Is there a political solution to the fire ant problem?

Is there a political solution to the fire ant problem?

Attached: fire ants.jpg (592x306, 144.18K)

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Beavis hates fire, now.

>Americans are afraid of ants
Pathetic. This is what happens when you depend on guns for everything.

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We should breed a super fire ant species that eats the other fire ants

Argentine ants will eventually colonize everything

Not living in climates meant for niggers. Feels good being a New England chad. No hurricanes, no tornados, no forest fires, no fire ants, not even any major poisonous animals.

Water ants?

Create a new government cabinet dedicated specifically for control of invasive species. Then give this department 90 billion dollars, and complete impunity to do as they see fit to control such a pressing matter. You're racist and hate the earth if you disagree.

Keep your ants of fire off the delmarva

Funny how the nigger infestation and the fire ant infestation match up almost perfectly

The inverted masculinity of leaves never ceases to amaze.

yes, we must send a delegation to negotiate a peaceful solution with the fire ant queen.

>my masculinity is my gun because they cut up my peepee when I was born
Lmao Americans

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Most of us don't don't give a shit

>Several subsequent studies used genetic, behavioral, and chemical analyses to show that introduced supercolonies on separate continents actually represent a single global supercolony.
>The researchers stated that the "enormous extent of this population is paralleled only by human society"
What the fuck. From wikipedia

>Feels good being a New England chad
You're a nigger loving faggot

We need more of these guys

Attached: Giant Anteater.jpg (1100x700, 209.89K)

water ants?

extermination; full genocide

Attached: star_trek_ds9_garak_worf_a_little_genocide.png (720x543, 482.33K)


>We should breed a super fire ant species that eats the other fire ants
The only logical solution. Bonus points if each ant is three feet long.

Attached: i-for-one-welcome-our-new-insect-overlords.jpg (510x421, 19.83K)

Jews kikes, niggers, and fire ants

Dixie ants will be victorious

Argentine crazy ants are killing off and filling the niche of fire ants. Nazi Ants are exterminating the Lawn Jew

Go ahead....go work on a ranch without pants or long socks. Just stand in the wrong spot for a moment

You see these cunts, they all bite at the same time, they crawl on your ass. All at once they bite and your shit swells up, burns like fuck and leaves horrid little puss welts

You've clearly never dealt with fire ants.
Yes. Close every military base in the USA because for some reason they're a hotbed for fire ants.

The lazy niggers who should be managing them aren't. Also they probably don't pay anyone to do it

Salt the Earth

>Blue ants

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in time this planet will just be covered in a deep layer of crawling insects and the air will be thick with flying insects

>Is there a political solution to the fire ant problem?
Yes, we must give Ukraine more money

Yeah, expel all non-whites from the United States.

First it was Africanized killer bees. Then it was fire ants. Next year it will be feral hogs.

Attached: Feral Hogs.jpg (1047x1124, 233.52K)

Attached: ItCameFromRedAlert_Poster ants.jpg (800x600, 110.15K)

Those fire ants are doing jobs most Americans are unwilling to do anyway

Texas user here. I'll take fire ants all day over mother fucking mosquitos.

Fire ants keep getting in my house. It's to the point we just need an exterminator and it's just another fucking problem on top of a bunch of other problems and it fucking sucks
When you grow up, you really understand why the adults around you were always so miserable

Fewest nigs of any part of the US. Not sure why the south actually paid to bring nigs to their part of the country.

Those one frogs that are used to make poisonous darts eat fire ants. The poison part comes from the fire ant.
So I dunno just get a bunch of those.
Oh and then you can lick them too.