My daughters are the most important thing in my life, the only reason for not roping myself...

My daughters are the most important thing in my life, the only reason for not roping myself, how do I make sure they never ever date a nigger or create a coon grandchild?

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Take their virginity

You are lucky you don’t have to worry about your daughters dating spics

Russian sub human mindset strikes again.

that was your father's job.

Attached: JFHRBcB.jpg (327x327, 56.92K)

Your daughters are whores

Wouldn't be as bad, it's niggers and pakis I desperately do not want in my family.
My own wife is Estonian anyway.

they're toddlers, imbecile

hit pipe

You help me exterminate the Niggers when the time comes, which is inevitably soon.

I cant, your government wont let me in because they hate "poms"

>they're toddlers, imbecile
And you're already thinking of them fucking black men? Seek help, hope they take your kids away.

Just raise them properly and be a proper role model.
Your daughters will have you as a measuring stick and all the undesirables will fail to impress.
Don’t spoil them. Be loving and kind, but also uncompromising when it’s time to reprimand.
If you show a woman what a man should be, she will refuse to lower herself by settling for less.

At the end of the day you must have a good relationship with them or they will make poor decisions when it comes to sexual partners. The better example you set the less likely they will act out. Of course, it is not 100% in your control who your daughters fuck, but if they respect you when they get older and you say “no darkies” there’s a decent chance they would listen.

Injection disaster has to take hold first before traitors become vulnerable.

If you've raised them right, and set a good example for them to compare all their romantic partners to, then its assured they'll be just fine.

They will be as big of a whore as their mother. They won't listen to you at all.

Move to Northern Ireland.

Show them webms from Any Forums of niggers doing fucked up shit as well as articles of coalburners paying the toll. Hell, all it took was a single WMAF meme in what felt like a direct call out for me to change my mind on racemixing back a few years ago. 1488.

you're doomed bong
>how do I make sure they never ever date a nigger
by no means, you're in the west, in an absolute degenerative environment

I'm taking refuge in UK now.

Pay a couple of homeless niggers to beat and mug her

first off take em out of the damn city. go live somewhere a little smaller. make em bored with housework and gardening, then take em to the county fair. they will no doubt meet a boy and the statistical probibility of them being white is pretty high. as nigs dont like farm work. the ones that do are pretty cool tho so it really wouldnt be the end of the world. but dont control em too much as they will rebel. control them in such a way that their rebellion leads them into the arms of a hard working country lad who ideally owns a few acres and loves her.

dont make em so bored with chores they hate you, but dont give em endless distractions to appease em. if they have internet, let them keep it but shut it off every few days for a few days. time it right so on day 3 of no internet yall go get icecream and burgers in the small town a few miles out. and take em places where they can develop healthy hobbies/ hang around men who have healthy hobbies.


Daughter here. Fortunately no efforts were needed by my father in this regard; I developed a natural repulsion to non-whites early on. My two sisters were the same.

>Pay a couple of homeless niggers to beat and mug her
this won't change their mind not taking a nigger cock in their mouths, western women are retarded subhuman animals, which don't give a fuck about moral compass, especially let alone about the race. they will even date a child molester.

here's a redpill on the topic