Converts to judaism in his latest video

>converts to judaism in his latest video
>banned by russia right after

really makes you think

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Kek, I literally just watched the video. Wonder what he did to get banned

his mother is jewish? otherwise he will never be a jew

Not a full conversation unless you get circumscribed

Is that Alex Jones?

I like his little clown hat... but it's slipped to the front for some reason.
>has he had his forehead removed as well as his foreskin?

He broke into a military zone in Kazakhstan, got caught, and then ridiculed the low penalty he had to pay. I think he's lying about being permanently banned from Russia though. Usually it's a 5 year ban.

he called the special operation a "war" and expressed sympathy for the people of ukraine.

You have to put a foreskin in the cube to charge it.

110 times Jews ousted.

whats with Jews and GoPros?

Most people in Russia call it war. There are no penalties for this. For "stop the war" there is.

you cannot convert fully ever. either you are born from jewish mother, or you are not a jew the same way a man cannot turn into a woman, no matter how much one mutilates himself.

His mother's surname was 'Rich'. His dad's was 'Swift' and bald's name is Benjamin Rich Swift.

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>Black Cube of Satan Idol Worshipper
Makes you think.

I always told you fucking retards that nigger was as kiked as it got.

he knows its the end times and jews are playing out the last prophecies. he knows soon they will wipe out esau and destroy edom


In a couple of his videos he said his grandfather was Polish and you know Polish are Joos.

The ashkenazi are all gentile
(((they)))'re converts

He was Jew from beginning lol

>really makes you think
Russia is based whereas our gov't is literally zog.

There are documents that show why he was kicked out. Apparently it was because he had criticized the Russian military.
Kinda funny. One of the few people who tried to give a good impression of that shithole, and they ban him for life.

In one video some russian Jew greets him with shalom and he asked how did you know?

He got found out.

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no shit all the anti-semitic drivel polchuds buy into is from Russia. Russia has be an historic hotbed of anti-semitism. They created and forged the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Seems more like he was trying to avoid getting banned, given that Jews are worshiped in Russia. Most of the oligarchs are also Jews.

This guy doesn't know about the bolsheviks.
>See flag....oh it all makes sense now

Replaceable and worshiped, sounds oxymoronic to me.

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