How to become more racist and sexist in 3 easy steps

Take steroids. Not faggy TRT doses either

Attached: deca.jpg (224x224, 7.25K)

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Buy the types of guns liberals hate the most

Attached: gun.jpg (2072x1623, 327.45K)

Sexually dominate women. Especially minorities and illegal aliens.

Attached: 4131887_039_e576.jpg (857x1280, 196.65K)

One good cycle and you have busted your endocrine system for life. Animals in adulthood can't go through courses of exogenous steroid hormones without reaping the consequences.

>take deca
>whole body bloats
>dick stops working
>oh shit abort experiment
>12 months before your HPTA comes back online
if your gonna roid, do it right

Step 4 - do not listen to lying jews or retarded nattys

dont take fucking nandrolone retard

Step 5 - ignore dyels who cant handle prolactin side effects of 19-nors

Step 5
Die prematurely of cardiovascular complications like a true chad


Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies. Literally no organization recommended making steroids illegal but Joe Biden did anyway because they want to populous weak and unwilling to fight back.

Attached: 1654937176483.jpg (593x767, 54.64K)

bro, this is literally what happens when you take steroids. Joe Biden is trying to save you.


How to make testosteron at home?

Fuck you and your dick killing prolactin, nigger. You want us all going limp and crashing our anabolic receptors.

>Decide to shill test maxxing to Any Forums
>Actually not a half bad idea when done correctly
>Tries to get you yo buy some shitty precursor steroid that half of will be aromatized and get you DHT to burst incontrollably like a boy going through a rough puberty.
>After the cycle your levels will be depleted and you'll have a fucked test/dihydrotest equilibrium, higher that usual prolactin levels for some weeks/months, higher that normal estrogen aromatase for multiple days/weeks after that.

You'd have 20x the results just by eating 5lbs of uncastrated and wild boar meat every week without any ounce of irony. And eat raw onions, garlic and cooked broccolis to hinder testosterone aromatisation.

> dick killing prolactin
If you get bad side effects from deca, you are a genelet who has no business roiding. And "deca dick" is probably caused by low estrogen which is easily fixed by running higher test dosage
>crashing our anabolic receptors
Now you're just spouting made up natty gibberish
>And eat raw onions, garlic and cooked broccolis to hinder testosterone aromatisation.
You're so stupid you think estrogen is bad. This is your brain on Any Forums memes

>5lbs of pork gives 20x the gains of one the most powerful anabolic steroids created
post your awesome pork body gains for us to admire

You should eat a diet that supports testosterone production. I'm a White nationalist and didnt need to take test to figure out the jewish question. Also there are leftist body builders out there. I'm not completely against taking sterons but everyone should at least be lifting weights, cardio, eating healthy, getting enough sleep etc. There are a lot of estrogen mimicking chemicals in plastic and søy that people should avoid as well. Lifting weights natty is probably the healthiest option but I agree kikes want a feminized mutted up population that cant oppose them so we should fight that however we can.

What are the downsides to steroids, and where can they be bought? Can some Any Forumsizen redpill me?

Balls stop producing testosterone and shrink.

What about TRT? Is it worth it and what are the downsides if not the same as steroids?