I (30F) Feel chained to my stable married life, and now that I’m pregnant I want to run. Advice

Has modern society's need for constant stimulation ruined people's ability to be happy?

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>1ptid reddit screengrab

sage and report

Yes, I think that constant stimulation from things like smartphones make people forget the little things.
Like the wind on your skin, or being with your own thoughts.

Just women. Men are fine with stable. Men want stable. Women want "exciting" and "dramatic" at every age now. It's fucking nuts. They expect too much of Men, and want things that are contradictory.

>hi it’s my first day and i don’t know how the post count works and where’s the like button?
dipshit newfag.

>Comes for advice
>People give advice
>Not satisfied, expected all of people to say "leave the guy", like some yes-men
Why are women like this

I unironically touched grass by walking barefoot and it felt great. Very stimulating

Everyone starts with 1 post in each thread, dummy

>have a great life
>want to lose it all for the sake of "change"
>vaguely threatens suicide at the end for no reason
What the fuck? Fucking loon. I feel sorry for the guy

>this bitch is 30 and still thinks like that
Women truly are a lost cause.

women acting like children, what else is new? i hope the man finds someone better than her, she can keep riding the dick carousel without his financial backing

Come back in an hour and see if he's posted more than once. I'll paypal you $1000 if he does.

>I wanna larp as a gold miner and traveler to get likes on instagram and get IM'd by studs who want to fuck me

>forget your advice
kek looks like the consensus is kys whore

Sounds like someone has a case of the "seven year itch".

The op in screenshot is probably a tranny larping to trick real women into abandoning reproduction to join in with them. Then it gets updooted by other tranny mods

Because its reddit and she felt like they were all like-minded people who are going to agree and comfort her, thats all she wanted to hear.

I mean that's one bitch out of billions being a cunt. Sure there are plenty like her but Any Forumss woman hating gets kinda excessive. Plenty of women would knock that bitch out for being a twat. Probably a lot of the replies were women telling her as much.


You fucking retards.

This is the mind of all modern women. It is why society will collapse soon. They act on whim and do not build a life then rely on reeling in some jackass to care for them after they wasted their lives doing stupid shit and fucking every nigger they can. I hope this whole planet burns in nuclear fire.

this is purely due to the absence of the right kind of propaganda and conditioning.

The funny part of all that is the only 8-10/10girls that stick around for longer than a month are the ones I drink 8 beers in front of the first date.

I posted this, it’s fake. meant to piss people off and sow discord between women who defend her and everyone else

ah, she ends it even worse, I'm glad. I hope she actually goes through with it

>come back in an hour
Then how about you wait an hour before making the lame 1pbtid post. I've made threads before, and people made that same post while I was waiting for replies. Is the OP supposed to reply to himself to rack up posts?

Woman to her friends: I hooked up with this hot guy last night. He was really into me. I hope he doesn’t become too clingy.

Guy to his friends: I fucked this ugly pig last night. Bit ashamed of myself, but I just needed to get off. Hope I don’t come across that pig again.

you are literally the second post you retard

kys newfag and go back

What an utterly troubled woman

The pain of simply being a pod

Who wants to bet when she initiates divorce she will expect the house she doesn't want anymore but still expect the man to move out and the judge to give it to her?

You would be surprised how neurotic actual women are, they don't need tranny motivation.

Not from my experiences irl. They're all so fucking messed up it's not even funny. Even the ones that claim to be or act traditional, it's all a mask.

some people think grounding yourself like that is good for you. like how you ground things to take the static off.

She needs my cock in her

>that edit

Did this monsterous bitch really think anyone would sympathize with her idiotic psychopathy?

> I came here for advice

the semen slurping state of this landwhale

Logic & reason are masculine traits. DON'T EXPECT THEM FROM A WOMAN. EVER. If you fully understood female nature, you would know they HAVE to "look good" because there's nothing else desirable about them. If they didn't at least look attractive, there'd be no reason to deal with them at all.

>Why are women like this
she deleted her post too


HAHAHA THIS! Nigger cattle goyim will do whatever the propaganda says

Because like 80% of threads at any given time are 1pbtid that have been up for hours. This board is completely run by bots.

women are so fucking stupid

I do not know what it is about women when they hit 30. My wife of 10 Years left me and our children to go out and be a degen. Meth headed whore to be abused by her new BF multiple times. But her loss. I got to keep the kids and the house and the cars because she didnt show up to divorce court.

Lmao nice bait

43 posts in and this user is right. Herbs in all fields.

If she wants to experience something new and exciting then he should start beating her

bot post

FYI newfag

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This. Get her addicted to crack and pimp her out. Women are property and worthless

Women shouldn't be allowed to use the internet.

He posted again retard

Was meant for
Time to go kill myself.

I like how she talks about the very good job he landed, but nothing about what she does

lemme guess. the comments are full of high iq redditors advising her to divorce him.

Her edit makes it seem like the post you replied to was true

Paypal me pls

[email protected]

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Before I go kill myself - women cannot be responsible for their own happiness, they expect and need to be entertained. It's not enough telling them that they are childish you must recognise that they are children & treat them as such, stimulate them like children and give them toys like children.

Looks like someone is 1000 bucks richer

If you aren’t independent wealth my with limitless time and income, you will never make a modern woman truly satisfied. You may be able to keep her around, and make her settle basically, but she will never be truly happy in the way that you can be just having a loyal partner. That was enough of a blackpill to make me drop out of the game for good.

It doesn't sound like it, at least from that edit. Sounds like they told her she's the retard she is.

This sounds like someone's terrible attempt at creative writing to gauge people's responses.


yeah i didn't read that. women really are children lmao

Women's rights were a mistake. The 19th Amendment was a mistake. They are all emotional retards and meant to be reproductive vessels and mothers. Anything else is just a larp.

I hear you. Bezos couldn't even please his whore and he owns a sizeable chunk of human labor, along with billions of monies. What the fuck kind of chance do the rest of us have? (Zero! Thanks for playing! Make sure you try really hard your whole life before you die!)


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She needs to get an abortion and to divorce him

>Literally has perfect life
>Still fucking unhappy
What the fuck is wrong with f*moods?

Selfish women get the rope. She's just saving us the time

God women are so selfish and pathetic.

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>Time to go kill myself.

No matter how many blue-haired tranny faggot nu-males modern society produces, there will never a more cucked generation than those "Greatest Generation" faggots signed this county's death warrant by allowing the same holes that shit out all those boomers to vote.

Where's his money faggot

I made my gf pregnant but never married her
Everything is good

Pro tip: never get married, why would you niggas ever do that? It makes zero sense.

This is just that book "I miss you when I blink". I obviously haven't read it but it just seems like a sheltered, pampered rich woman sad that she ruined her life partying and since she has no meaning, anything other than partying seems "dull" or "not herself" or whatever ridiculous fantasies women tell themselves to justify living horribly

"Who the fuck is this bitch? Where did my fucking rib go? Wait, now we're being kicked out? I'm naked? What the FUCK is this SHIT?!"

-Adam, probably

White women are fucking diseased

To pay less taxes obviously. Why do you think rich people marry? Because of love or what? While having entire harem?

>Gets called out by the so.ylent drinkers of reddit of all places
Women lol

Haha dumb bitch has no idea about the havoc kids can bring.

He paid off all their debt after being basically NEET at the start of their marriage. In 4 fucking years. I hope this cunt kills herself so he can find a better woman to share his riches with

This nigger is correct

Tell her to get a dwi, that will shake things up pretty good.80kk82

Yeah not worth it for muh taxes purposes
Stop being poor

never relocate for a woman

You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips...

and theres no tenderness like before in your fingertips...