How come USA has so much power over these states? They have no foreign policy of their own

How come USA has so much power over these states? They have no foreign policy of their own.

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Suez crisis. They learned that they're lot big league anymore

Not the USA, Kikes do.


But that was when Soviet Union bitchslapped Bongs.

>Soviet Union bitchslapped Bongs
Didn’t happen, both were under ZOG.


Stalin killed like 90 percent of Jewish Bolshevik leaders.

>why do people adopt the culture of their conquerors
are you serious

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Bitch what???? Is this what they teach you?

He didn’t.

Fuck, do I love this Roman cities reconstructions.

Imagine comparing your billionaire pedophile shadow lair megacorporate goyslop launching race mixing big pharma shilling seed oils and vegetables producing news media indoctrinating commie worshipping failure of a country to Rome.

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Rome was a kiked hellhole, hooknosed fuckers were everywhere over there.

Because 9/11 re-started the Cold War mentality.
It would seem that NATO should have disbanded in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet threat and the US should have given up their insane military-industrial complex. 9/11 was the perfect excuse to continue, while giving away all the jobs to Red China since they joined the WTO in 2001.

you have too high an opinion of rome

imagine thiking the usa has its own foreign policy lmao

Akkadian Empire was Muttland 1.0, Rome was Muttland 2.0, the modern Muttland is the latest iteration.


Despite the festering and degenerate carcass it had become towards its end, Rome was a huge net positive for European civilisation, progress and human achievement as a whole. Your empire of nigger trannies and hollywood kiddy diddlers is a dogfart shitstain on this world compared to Rome and will be remembered as such, when it takes mankind back to the stone age as it inevitably implodes.

You never lived there.

We're the military arm of international jewry, the rest of you pooropes are mere tributaries

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This guy gets it

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