Which one of you niggers posted this on Reddit? I've never seen them so triggered

Which one of you niggers posted this on Reddit? I've never seen them so triggered


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The few reddit users that aren't bots need to have a bullet put in their pea-sized brains

Why in the flying fuck is computer science in mid-tier?

I would agree with the reddit npcs that this list is severely outdated. Math and Astronomy in top tier? Yeah. Someone’s gotta fix it.

>linking your reddit account
you have to go back

All of the people ruling the world, without exception, are students of psychology in some form.

>Top tier, Law

Because the field is overrun with h1b pajeets.

you can post Any Forums redpills to reddit at a few reddits like therightcantmeme

it's a pretty subtle way to expose them to true information. they may read it and mock it but they still read it and have it rolling around in their head

Father in law gave me the shortened version of this.
He called it the 3 Ds

Any 1 D will guarantee you a livable income
Any 2 Ds will allow you retire early
All 3 Ds will allow you grandchildren to coast through life because of your actions.

Obviously it's not 100% precise and some exceptions exist but it's pretty accurate.
Damn, I miss that guy.

Everyone here says to get into computer science so I don’t get it either. It depends on where you live I guess because in Japan you don’t get paid much as a programmer.

And Dick
But that's only for female

What STEM degree should I do?

Chemfag here. It's not God tier cause I can't find a chem job anywhere.
It's a fat scam.

Why is archeology shit tier?

none, honestly get self suficient

Both Law and Medicine belong mid to low tier.

>Law top tier
>History shit tier
Something seems (((off)))

Are you speaking from experience, do you have a degree yourself?
How so?

Someone geology-pill me

Engineers need to know their worth. Don't let the boomer middlemen / money printers at the top let you think otherwise.

kek. yeah.

This particulat leftist venue is ripe for shitposting targeted far-right propaganda all day.

I'm quite sure that 90% of the posts their are by Any Forums trolls for that exact reason, you're showing them red pill memes in an environment where they feel that they have the control. It's a literal leftist cope sub

The irony that a woman with a shit tier degree will get a nice affirmative action job that pays more than god tier degree.

Are you White?

Old meme, it was spammed on /sci/ YEARS ago. I'm talking around 2010.
That and
>How can you believe in X if it is only a theory (a guess)?

Hans hat recht.
At least as far as compsci goes. In my experience, you will always be learning. You must learn how to learn on your own if you want to keep ahead. School is good just for theory, but it was too slow for me and not at the bleeding edge of things in tech. I learned much faster on my own and gained marketable skills, plus I learned how to keep getting different marketable skills. School was too constrictive and old world, if you ask me.
Also, at least in the U.S., I think the university system is broken and want more people to find ways to get ahead on their own without such gatekeepers.

Attached: joker_this.gif (300x186, 1007.38K)

Funny because most of shit tier is what this board discusses. Anything above shit tier like space science and you faggets get schizo about it.

this is one of the best shit posts I've seen there


as a major, law is absolutely stupid

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Yeah. It pays good, but I'm in school for it, and it's all Indians. It's depressing. Hopefully I can get a WFH job.

History is not shit tier if it's based. Mid to top level if truthful.

it's hell to get a job as a geo if you don't have great connections, and that includes having a masters. I've worked with many geologists and they're all fucking weird. Out of the dozens of geologists I've worked with I know only one that didn't cheat on their spouse, and the guy comes from an extremely wealthy family and married a yoga instructor half his age.

It'll happen after they stop posting gay porn memes

Why is chemistry god tier? All of them are driving cabs. There is only one chemistry majour i know who actually works in the field lol. You either work at uni or you are broke.

>posting /sci/ shit in Any Forums
Don't expect Any Forums to give you a legit answer ho.
This image is old as fuck, the person who made it is already finishing his thesis in mathematics

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What do geos do? And the pay is great?

No one here can understand anything whatsoever, but shit tier is usually bullshit so they get the criticism right by chance. Anything requiring actual understanding? Forget about it.

Half the shit tier degrees go into Law that's what you don't understand

Jobs that pay sure. But history is politics. If you dont have a solid grasp of philosophy law and history you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Get a degree in history get into law school get law degree from shit to top in 7 years total

for women it's the three N's
>No fucks given

Oil and gas, mining, and the government are the biggest employers. O&G and mining pay the best but are extremely difficult to get into unless you have major connections. Otherwise you're stuck as a mudlogger making $20 an hour on a rig in the middle of buttfuck nowhere with no benefits. A staff geologists makes something like $120k/yr but you literally have hundreds of applicants for each job that have masters and phd's. Government work can range from o&g and mining to resources like water. The pay is public but the work looks comfy.

I'm in Shit Tier but the chart has merit. Put TEACHING" in God Tier and put "MEDICINE", "ENGINEERING" and "ASTRONOMY" in Mid Tier and it's accurate.