2020 BLM/ANTIFA Domestic Terrorism Campaign

Since we have leftists raiding the board, I wanted a few based people here to post video and news articles showing all the insurrectionist and acts of terror or arson committed by democrats during the years 2016-2020
-june 2020 attempt to raid the white house, bonus points for the sound bite of the protest leader calling for it to be burned down with Trump inside
-multiple federal buildings attemoted arsons
-terror attacks on political opponents

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>Still debating leftists

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you have your understand, these people do not care. You have to adopt that mentality whenever they are trying to corner you with a shaming. Like, ya I did it. And I had fun doing it.

So no evidence then.
The claim that antifa and blm committed an insurrection is false?

I keep hearing from Any Forums how antifa and blm are domestic terror groups. Yet I see no videos or evidence.

Is Any Forums really just full of shit?

Who gives a shit at this point? These people are evil and don't care what the facts are as long as they gain more power. Biden literally just had a speech claiming it was republicans that started the defund the police movement. The simple act of entertaining these faggots and Jews and their pilpul is what makes them think they have credibility

No one cares Chud, because you are the domestic terrorists whp did Jan 6th. We all saw it, and you guys have zero evidence that antifa or blm did anything wrong.
You are the bad guys and you are brainwashed by Qtard Drumpf.

Show the evidence or stfu and admit you lost.

>admit you lost
The simple fact that I'm not the one shilling on opposition message boards pretty clearly demonstrates who is winning here

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Cope. Traitor. The antifascist movement is winning because no one believes you.

OP is a gay homosexual faggot, plus he's fucking gay.

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Oh im convinced. pfft

Rape is a social construct. Can I get a webm of the Italian rape?

the antichrist movement

I see a riot and a burning police car.
No insurrection and no terrorism.
A crime, but nothing like Jan 6th.

So nothing. You losers have zero evidence that Antifa or BLM did anything resembling Jan 6th

>When you require gaslighting yourself as a means of argument, but still think you're the "good guy"

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Oh well..you'll be dying of monkey pox soon so it's not that important to convert you. You can go back to your ass eating gay orgy now. You're not needed here.

>if I pretend to be retarded, it means I'm right
I dont know why you guys think this works on anyone who doesn't support you already.

Gotta echo the other Anons here, user.
There is no point in trying to debate leftists.
They lie, cheat, threaten, assault, vandalise, play the victim, whatever it takes to seize power.
Leftists attitude is "Join us or be destroyed."
They are the Islamists of politics.
You choices are between joining them, or doing your best to destroy them before they destroy you.

>Christ was all about hating women and black people.

I don't see anything insurrection like, and DC was not burned down.
Also, no organizers or democrats calling for overthrowing or burning any votes.

Still waiting for proof of BLM/ANTIFA organizing an insurrection or committing acts of terrorism.

Maybe if you guys didn't try to overthrow an ekection and constantly lie peopke would belueve ypu over leftists.
Still waiting on the evidence...

Niggerlover kyle missed the nigger

So antifa and blm are not the terrorists. You are.
Just say it.

Cool, now defend this one.

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Was this an organized act or terrorism or an individual act of murder?
Was there a trial?
Remember Charlottesville?

Oh thats nice. Not an argument.