Brit/pol/ - he who honks last honks loudest edition

>New bachelor degree just dropped; how to pay your electricity bill.

>FT assures its readers that the government will force the plebs to pay their energy bills.

>Get in line for your McJob, peasants.

>It might be a bit rainy out down souf.

>Inept racist vs inept racist (brown) - the country's future safe in the hands of 100,000 toryboys.

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Josh is an incel and knows nothing about relationships

last thread confirmed it for me. I don't like engaging with nonces but for some reason this all women are slags thing just triggers my imagined autism.

Tbf lad hes not saying he does. He gives his opinion amd he believes it. Its not like hes some youtube pick up artist aelling a 10 step easy process online for £89.99. Hes shit posting on a korean bbq forum and you dumb cunts act like hes jesus standing on a hill giving life lessons. Hes a 30odd yearold with assburgers who lives alone and is smashed drunk by noon. Get a grip man.


So autistic you imagine you have autism.

that made me smile.

he's the teenage know-it-all that never grew up mate, as far as he's concerned everything he says is absolute fact.

Just walked out of sainsburys with 60 tins without paying

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It's sad really. He desperately wants sex but doesn't respect women and can't form adult sexual relationships.
No women his own age in the 'dating pool' are interested in him so he lowers his sights onto naive teenagers. He missed his chance to settle down and he hates women in general for rejecting him.

Yeahhhhh now tell us what you think about KSI! I love these after hours programmes where the posters post about the things we just posted.

Yeah and youre a grown man. You cant be baited by every mental case you see online. Youre dancing to his tune man.

>it's aids

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It's like a homeless person preaching about the property market.

Americans don't butter their sandwiches.

She should be celebrating how much she's sacrificing to enrich eastern european jewish aristocracy

he is our Führer

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Oh no no no bros.
wtf I support every current_thing was is this happening to me?

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Yeah exactly and dumb cunts sit down and try to argue with him

Those butties do look top though, and the cakes look a cut above the usual greggs muck.

yeah I'm sorry, I just had to confirm for myself he is definitely talking shit.
nothing against the dude, just don't like him.

Why are you posting pictures of a paedophile?

Oh no bros.
B-but we support green energy!

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he literally shaves his legs and he's calling brins feminised lol

Unreal that mongs who claim to be better than him fall for his trap so cleanly. If you wanna trigger mongs just ask josh about women and watch the thread devolve

Every solution from the right and from energy companies is a concern troll that preserves their profits.

A price cap, flat or banded means subsidies. It means energy suppliers retain their margins and the government uses taxes and debt (future taxes) to top up their profit. It's clownish.

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Why are you posting about an open paedophile?

was that the limit? you tried 61 but they asked you to pay so you put one back and walked off with the rest? or were you lazy?

yeah tbf its kinda funny

Is anyone talking about how green energy is being priced the same as gas (mkt price) despite not being affected by the wholesale price increase? A lot of wokey green firms must be making a killing out of this.

>Unreal that mongs who claim to be better than him fall for his trap so cleanly.
what, like you're doing now? so long as the subject remains on josh, he wins, so lets just both move onto something else. please.


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Why are you constantly talking about him?

100% almost intentional setting him away last thread. Works the same for magic aswell. Just dont engage. If some 32yo with assburgers was outside the bus stop banging on aboit western degeneration and women are slags youd just ignore him and step away. Why argue? You will NEVER change his mind.

let's talk about eddie instead

Amen. You got any hot news fren?

is anyone talking about how we been paving over the old coal power stations up and down the country for the past 50 years? no? well, it's what we as a nation voted for, becaues the nation is full of retards, and retards are getting what they fucking deserve
I hope unemployment and homelessness rises to ungovernable levels

You all claim to hate namefags but 60% of the threads is talking to or about us. Threads are dead without. All the inside jokes of britpol are namefag related. No one says "remember when user went to meet for a fight in a carpark?" Nope its names. Its never an user that hosts a radio show, its never user that does half the PS's in these threads. Youd be nothing without us. Also i use it as a chatroom to piss you cunts off. Anyone whos been here a week knows if you try to talk aboul Reol Polotik mongs will jump in and shit on whatever point you had. Or call you out over a misspelled word. The threads are shit and i want to accelerate its demise.