I regret voting Leave

Anyone share this feel?

Attached: Brexit.jpg (2048x1152, 230.66K)

I agree fellow alt-right bros. Are you planning on any terrorism lately?


cmon bro. Name one positive thing its done?

What aspects are you sad about?


No I love it, literal years of seething, just as planned. The only thing I would change would be to hang everyone in government.

Nothing seems to have changed for the better. It was only made Britain a more atomised, resentful place.

No, the same shit would've happened regardless.

It hasn't made Britain more British, just more broken.

Eh? If we hadn't voted Leave we still would have left?

No, it’s going perfectly. Seething souf poofters and chink shills demoralising everywhere :)

He means the economic collapse and you know it lol

i cant imagine anybody ever regretting leaving the EU.
was there even 1 actual benefit the brits had from being in this jew pyramid scheme?

Attached: germano jewish pyramid scheme.png (882x1086, 212.91K)

The Ukrainians would love to join the EU. We just threw it all away!

>t. natsoc mong


made fags seethe

That just describes the entire west.

Huge amount of money for the NHS and no more illegal immigrants.

>Ukraine would love to be a dependapotamus
>We just threw out paypig status away!

if we hadn't vote leave we would all be speaking german and/or french by now

migrants had nothing to do with the EU, though.
i dont know why people think anything border/migrants related has anything to do with the EU.

what were you expecting? That england would stop importing 3rd worlders? Ahahah you've got to be deluded.

But the NHS is corrupt as fuck.

I'm not sure what I was expecting.

maybe you're just depressed and brexit had nothing to do with it, lad.

It was the correct decision. But I didn’t ever have any expectation that the current crop of parasites we call politicians, would make the most of it.

you're clearly not from around here, manipulative kike
you will never be a woman
pic related its your nigger pet george floyd and what your nigger adopted son will look like after he gets shot

Attached: original.jpg (600x905, 70.98K)

Except neither happened, NHS will always be underfunded and instead of importing arabic shitskins you import niggers and streetshitters

Be quiet Yank, the adults are talking.

Maybe Polbro, maybe.