Try to prove me that elves cant be black

Try to prove me that elves cant be black.

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Only drow are black, and the druchii are made for greek dick

> Try to prove me that elves cant be black.
Because nobody real ever wrote that shit and the kindergarten writers trying to make it happen aren't worth a fuck.
So it doesn't exist. Nobody know what the fucking hell you're talking about.

They were described in the original novels as fair and pale skinned. They stem from European lore and tradition

Elves can't be black. There. I proved it.

Watch the movie


Tolkien wrote that his story was to be a mythology for England, just like how the Greeks, Romans, and Germanians had their own mythologies. He specifically said England (not Europe as a whole). There were no black people living in England in prehistoric times, which Middle-Earth and its people are based off of.

They always had a father present.

>not muscular
>no beard
>evolutionarily pointless melanin
globohomo cares not for your logic

The show's reviews speak for themselves.

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The word "elf" means "white". That's the opposite of black.

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>Try to prove me that elves cant be black.
You can't prove something that is fictional, retard. It's just that nobody wants them to be black, because people seek fiction because they want to escape to a nig-free world. If people want to see nigs they can just turn on the local news.

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that's a cow
Oblihatory link of its theme song

Everyone can describe that world as he wants, we are free

Have you seen elf stealing a bike?

that's gobbledygook, user

>Everyone can describe that world as he wants, we are free
Yea you can just take artistic liberty with someone else's work because kikes only know how to destroy not create. Inbred pale nigger bitch.

Don't mind me, I'm just going to describe the holocaust how I want as well.

>nobody wants
A lot of white and especially nonwhite people want

With enough sorcery it's possible.

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Elves can't be black because if they were they would be ugly and everyone would fear them. Tolkein wrote Elves are supposed to be the most beautiful and fair of all races of Middle-Earth. This means they can't be niggers, because niggers are ugly savages that smell and prone to violence.

Attached: Racist cracka tries to resist payment of reparations.webm (540x266, 1.86M)

It's beautiful

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Elves are supposed to be attractive, smart and long living.

So they cant be black.

Bulbashibro if your cow looks like that kill it the milk might give you coronavirus or some other shit.

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Cool, so we should remake Boyz in the Hood with all white trash trailer park people. Message received.

Where did all the blacks go?

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Black Vulcans are better, and so is Black Vulcan.

>A lot of white and especially nonwhite people want
Only SJWs that won't even watch the show.

Attached: Walking Cane Reparations.webm (720x720, 2.89M)

>A lot of white
> and especially nonwhite people want
No. You're about to see once again how spectacularly this fails. Nobody is going to watch it. Niggers are not clamoring for Lord of the Rings appearances and white people DID NOT want to see that bullshit.


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Why is that ugly nigger the only one who acts like an overdramatic cunt in the video of this? Seriously, niggers just can't help themselves and have to be overdramatic over literally everything.

of course, a fucking leleflag.
Remember, lads. Salvia officinalis goes in all fields.

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Imagine fearing niggers.

Easy, if elves were black they would be called niggers and not elves.

It's not so much that they cast a nigger as an elf, it's that they simply had to find the fattest, ugliest, george-floyd-lipped, gorilla nigger on the planet.

Absolutely fucking disgusting, genuinely makes me sick to look at it

Elves are an idealized human form. Also not known for theft, robbery, drug dealing or gang violence.
So basically the inverse of black.

Elves are fair skinned and noble.

the literal opposite of niggers.

sorry, the only dark elves I'm going to accept are pic related

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Pretty much this. If Tolkien had made them black, it would be cool. Instead they are black because of a forced agenda by a bunch of pathetic 3rd rate writers. Black people should be offended by this garbage pandering and manipulation most of all.

>It's not so much that they cast a nigger as an elf, it's that they simply had to find the fattest, ugliest, george-floyd-lipped, gorilla nigger on the planet.
A nigger. It's a dwarf. And YES it's because it's a nigger. Dwarves were race. Now they're not. There's inter racial dwarves and an inter racial dwarf kiss the first episode.
Because now dwarves can be black, latino, white, asain. It's a fucking mess.

Nigger are never offended at people kissing their ass. They have no actual pride and can not feel fulfillment in their own endeavors, as such false praise is seen as better than nothing.

I wouldn't mind if they introduced a new elf or dwarf race hailing from some other part of the world. Forcing multi-ethnicity into Tolkiens universe is the problem.
