Why are swedish like this?

why are swedish like this?

Attached: swedecuck.jpg (834x642, 91.69K)

Desire to agree with consensus becausr they feel like their name will be put on a hate watchlist

200 years without a war does that to you

Years of propaganda. People are scared of voting for any other party than the left leaning ones because they are scared of being called a racist

I want to marry a beautiful Finnish wife and have many kids.

At the foundation of "social justice," is a death wish.

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i was gonna say based but then i figured "non-eu immigration" includes serbia

What is scary? Being scared of killed and raped by a sandnigger or a nigger? or being scared to being called as racist? Swedes choose the latter. Scare of being called racism is literal cuckoldry.

Italy rarely disappoints me, my ethnic homeland. You can disown me all you want but I will always claim you as my heritage regardless

Either these stats are from 10 years ago or they are made up

my girlfriends a sweed and she hates them with passion her whole family do

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A wild belief the state media is telling them the truth in connection with a daily consumption of said media.
The whores at SVT truly need to hang.

There is nothing more Nordic people are afraid of than being ostracized by "respectable" society

Fuck off d&c memefaggot, I see nothing but based posts from swe flags here

>no source
kill yourself memeflag kike

Literally how does this happen? The majority of whites are against mass migration, want their countries to remain white and still we are getting replaced. Why is this so rarely even talked about when so many people are actually on our side?

Nordics have special 'tism that makes them very susceptible to indoctrination and religious zealotry. Get propaganda running, and you will fully control them on mental level. Remember when swedoids were big, they loved Judeo-Christianity so much, they tried wery hard to massacre literal millions of non-combatants in Germany and Poland for practicing wrong kind of Judeo-Christianity in 30 years war? If they had equivalent of that physical power today they would have done the same to European civilians who don't love darkies and socialism.

They are fucking insane, diseased people, never relax around them.

Damn, I hate this country.
>why are swedish like this?
Probably because they were brainwashed by the GlobalistMarxist Jew-family 'Bonniers', who owns most media in Sweden, for a LONG time now.

Attached: Who rules the media in Sweden.png (2593x3433, 2.18M)


swedes law

you're fucked if you don't shut down that media and expel this kikes. Or your population would go extinct soon