Brit/pol/ - why can't we invade another oil bearing shithole edition

>Looks like global thermonuclear war is back on the menu boys; here's 100k words you'll never read about China's crimes against humanity.

>Absolutely batshit power mad Liz Truss willing to look at abolishing motorway speed limits as long as you give her the big chair.

>Poor people to be eliminated by 2030, net zero proponents celebrate.

>Who will fund Sizewell C and when will it be built? Nobody, never.

>Edinburgh full of rubbish, also the binmen are on strike.

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Thanks for the bump, I was just about to call Israel an illegally occupying state.

you still can and ill agree with you

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Yeah I suppose it's that sort of morning.


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>Truss willing to look at abolishing motorway speed limits
It'll never happen but that is based as fuck.

happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to joshy
happy birthday to me
fuck niggers, kikes and jannies

It will go wrong. Brits can't have nice things, you should know that by now.

dunno whether to go skinhead again or grow it out a bit again n get short back n sides

apex taxis have done me
1hr wait
no taxi
had to carry a microwave home on me own
arms are killing fucksake

Happy bday king

nice one mate
33, same age jesus started his ministry
it is time

Just popped into say hap burf to Josh boy, reminder popped up in my files for him. Got you a prezzie

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nice one mate
just had to carry a microwave home from co-op
cardio and weights done for the day

>Brood of brincels! How can you, being cringe, post based things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.


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Pack up, fuck off.

I said it was going to be one of those mornings.

Over ten thousand forin fuckers in our country eligible for deportation, but arent lads. Makes you feel sorta prideful doubt it? Next we'll be giving em citizenship.

I'll take it

Then Josh came to Any Forums. And He entered the Brit/pol/ and began to drive out those who were seething and envying in the thread, and overturned the posts of the Anonymongs and the seats of those who were posting cringe

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Jesus Christ, bit early for samefagging innit?

Fuck Palestine. Goat rapists are no friend of mine.

Happy bday la

You wouldn't shave it all off

we had a nice thread without you glowniggers the other day.

They are just making up for lost time. Must be anything they don't want us to know.

Pack up and fuck off samefagging jewish goblin.

nice one la
are you new?
I've spent 90% of my life as a skinhead

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Nah I've been here for 3 years. You should grow it out and get short back and side t b h.

Chill you fucking kike

Another year without a life.