Nutty Republicans thought they were going to win the house by forcing preteens to have rapists babies and endlessly seething about irrelevant "cultural" issues and one of their biggest name brand Republicans Sarah Palin can't even win a simple house seat against a nobody Democrat in ALASKA

Blue wave rising?

First Dem to hold the seat in 50 years. Let's goooooo

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Roevember is coming.
Republicucks are fucked.

Sarah Palin can't lose! She is beloved. She is America's sweetheart! They had to have cheated.

I was shocked myself

She is another scam artist whose outward personality does not reflect the real evil bitch she is offline.

>electoral politics
You’re all worse than niggers.

Anyone with an above-room temp IQ realized what a phony she was when she quit being governor to star in a reality TV show.

>encouraging conservatives not to vote
Thank you for your service, keep up the phenomenal work!

Begich needs to withdraw from the midterms and endorse Palin now.
That or go hunting with a Cheney.

>thinking we're ever going to have a fair election ever again.
You will be murdered on live television to the sound of uproarious cheers and applause.

Is that the bitch from the Western Sky ads?


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She is going to join the Squad.
If you ever been around the more politically active native alaskans, you can not find a more pretentious group of people who feel more entitled than anyone else in this country, no contest.

>gets 30% less votes than other party
>win due to niche voting rules
Good thing the vast majority of America don't do retarded ranked choice voting.

I mean I guess this is right, she's in Alaska and she just got btfo

The one good point is Republicans now have a counterpoint when the dems try to implement ranked voting.
Even better news is dems will institute it the same way they did with non partisan commissions to draw districts to show how noble and wise they are. This will also bite them in the ass.

>Her apparent victory came after votes were tabulated late Wednesday as part of the state’s new ranked-choice voting system.
I always knew there was something fucky about this ranked choice shit the way the democrats have been pushing this to get enacted everywhere.

The goyim are waking up. Fuck the Shabbos GOP.

She's only going to serve for 1 fucking month then in November we have the general election. She's just filling in for Don Young, pulled a knife on Bahnor, when he died.

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Not quite hoss. I'm sorry if you don't like people getting pigeonholed into 1 candidates

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>They had to have cheated.
You might wanna read up on how they did the ranked choice voting there kiddo.

Well technically it’s just a different kind of “Red” wave in Alaska it looks like

Rank choice cuckery, nothing else to say.

>republican votes were split between 2 candidates
>its a blue wave!!!!!

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roght? until she wins the next election too tyats held shortly

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>wins because so many GOP supporters prefer her as a 2nd choice to an actual Republican
Pretty based if you ask me.

Sorry chud. Anchorage flipped the Mayor from Blue to Red.

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She serves until January.

Intentionally meant to have the dem win but default

It was Sarah fucking Palin. Anyone but her.

It's RCV, the people who voted Begich had the option of making Palin their 2nd choice and a bunch of them said "no thanks."

She lost because the two republicans split the vote and when the other republican was eliminated their second choices broke down as follows:
Palin 50%
Peltola 29%
Nobody 21%
If it was just Palin versus Peltola from the jump she still would have lost, it would have just taken less time to figure out.

not our problem cunt

Does it not just add to her charm?

Wait you have another election in like 2 months no?
If one of the republican drops out wouldn't stop the vote from splitting?
I read (but didn't verify) that voters for the republican candidate challenging Palin didn't write in a 2nd choice, is Palin that bad?

The eternal finn strikes again. Sorry bros

Why would people be traitor scum like this?

>She lost because the two republicans split the vote
that's not how RCV works.

>Mari Peltola
Why is a finn running for your whatever?

A lot of trannies visiting pol these days. The OP will eventually have to dialate so we can get back to normal pol.

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