One third of Pakistan has been flooded and over 10000 killed

One third of Pakistan has been flooded and over 10000 killed.
Why is Allah punishing us?

Attached: pakistan-monster-flood-pm-modi-expresses-grief.jpg (1200x675, 102.51K)

arent they always crying that they are always on a drought?, fucking ingrates, their god just gave them all the water they wanted.

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that's sad

stop lying

>when India's designated shitting street overflows into Pakistan

Because you didn't please a goat properly.

probably all of the rape. stop being so rapey. every time theres a story of your country its been a women being gangraped. you deserve your slip slippery end shitskins.

at least you finally took a fuckin bath. wullah on the zub, fuck allah. and fuck your family

Attached: based_buddhist.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Just a test of faith bro
t. Allah


Only 10k?


1000, sorry I added an extra 0 by mistake.

3000 black jets of allah and pakistan

1/3 of that shithole flooded and barely anyone even died. 1000 dead muzzrats is chump change


Attached: 1654042318846.webm (480x640, 699.23K)

>why is allah punishing us
not destroying the hindu infidels and submitting to the will of the superior Pashtuns

This is why you ungrateful bastard. Build dams and use your "Allah" given brains for once. Stop waiting for whypopo to do your work for you, and stop borrowing whypopo money, dumb brown turdniggers.

They're going to send 33 million over. It's the Masons boys!

How's your sex life?

So my husband bought a gun rack today
We dont own any gun
Should i be worry, just asking for a friend

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I thought Bangladesh has the lowest average elevation out of any country on earth. How is it still above water?

Because the Jews still live.