I don't discuss politics with women

>Woman- user what do you think of XYZ political topic?
>user- I dont discuss politics with women.

This simple straight forward statement manages to cause women to become apoplectic and wet simultaneously. Try it.

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Super autistic reply, just change the subject

>Talking to women at all
What a fag

Great thread. Have a bump

Women have no business weighing in on decisions that affect culture, society, civilization, or government. They lack the rationality, reason, intellectual capacity, dispassionate temperament, discipline, understanding of reality, nature of power, and foresight to have anything of value to offer on such subjects.

ITT irl wizards who will never get laid. Cope, chuds

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Very based.

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>>user- I dont discuss politics with women.
Weak. Discuss it with them and just call them dumb fucking animals which would be hunted for sports if they didn't have cunts.

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(this thread alwasy draws out the lurking troons and seething women from reddit)

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>>Woman- user what do you think of XYZ political topic?
>Only happened in your head because women are apolitical in 99% cases

>inadvertently betrays their own low sexual value, virgin status by how much worth they implicitly grant pussy, as if it is at all difficult to get, or at all a great accomplishment that is at all indicative of worth
>has never been laid, which is why they treat it as if it's some unicorn
>is clearly a gynocentric simp by their own admission

no shit, retard. you are supposed to have all the answers and all your answers are supposed to be true. a woman doesn't follow a cuck

70 IQ detected. Filtered.

Whatever you say femboy. Because having sex with a woman would change these facts. Fucking moron.

Reading lots of Specular Effect and his comments made on here. LMFAO



ITT seething troons that wnbaw

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Remember, lurking cunts pic related

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There's no such thing as an incel, faggot.

said the incel

don't bother replying I won't see it.


>responds like a cunt.

Based thread. Troons seething.