
What is Any Forums's view on drugs and drug production? Is stuff like Weed, meth, psychedelics and bathsalts based? Should the drug producer get the blame or the druggie?

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I just smoked some pot and I'm feeling that my heart is beating slower. I hate this kind of a "bad trip"

supply + demand = market/economy


I once smoked too much and nearly astral-projected. Hang in there

Thanks bro. Now I'm having problems with breathing. I had this feeling once before. Fuck this shit.

Finally, a thread I've never seen on pol before
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A leaf
he most based posters on pol

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First of all nobody should discuss ”drugs” as a group. They have nothing in common, except they’re illegal.
Weed is degenerate and hedonist, but it is also truly an excellent medicine to physical pain. Weed is so popular it will be legal and tolerated, no matter if I personally don’t really care about it.
Party drugs and stimulants are kinda harder question. They are legit harmful, but does it matter? I would legalize cocaine, mdma, amphetamine etc. But these are the drugs people can get into trouble with, but still better they get into trouble with legal than illegal products. Maybe they could be prescribed by doctors, and you’d need a lisence to use them. Like get yourself checked every now and then if you keep using.

Now psychedelics shouldn’t even be called drugs. They have nothing in common with the two above mentioned. They aren’t usually even pleasant to use, and are not addictive. They aren’t dangerous at all if used with proper caution and knowledge. I totally advertise anyone to try them at least once. In your deathbed if not sooner. They made the world so much more hopeful place for me immediately after the first try. Made me realize so many things I had become blind to.

nanny state is totalitarism, weed is very cheap medicine and people should handle responsability themselves.

also marijuana flipped the schizo trigger in me, soo i cant take it the dank oregano anymore

I dunno man. I like ecstasy, that's about it. I wouldn't want it legalised, it would lose it's charm.

I know one thing that when weed was legalized the legal ones have shit highs. Don't even get munchies with that shit.

Which psychedelics you had?

Yids Rape Kids

Drugs are for losers.

Slovakia for a long time was the country with highest anti-weed laws. Even with a small amount meant for just personal use, you could get a bigger sentence than for a murder, and oh it happened. Now like this year they started to slowly liberalise it, and I think making something illegal legal loses the thrill from doing it.


All drugs must become legal completely all over the world. Then families can sort out their drug abusing siblings and children by themselves in peace without need of police.

I’ve tried lsd, shrooms and amanita. Only lsd was worthwhile. Shrooms are almost the same, but feel more nauseatic and toxic. But I would recommend either to anybody who is not in extreme stress. Potentially life changing experience for like 10 bucks delivered to your mailbox from darkweb for anybody. It just blew my mind and was unlike anyhing I believed was possible, and nothing like I imagined drugs would be like. It made me understand why people believe in spiritual things, and honestly made me lose this certainty I had about natural order of things, both in my mind and in this world in general.
People who want to be cynical and live in denial, thinking they know the truth will always insult me from now on and call me babbys first acid jesus etc. But I don’t care. In the end they will see I was right.

Soft drugs are based. Needle drugs/hard drugs are not worth it desu. The only dope worth shooting up is Richard Nixon lol.

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Drugs are not based.
Drugs should be legal, and are an ideal excuse to do away with social healthcare. I don't care if you rot your brain, just don't make me pay for it. Drug producers are businessmen, druggies are plebs.

Making drugs legal is highly eugenic in the long term. Which is a good thing.

Where do you buy them? Online? Putting a delivery address sees too risky

Get a dealer, best thing.

I know one but he only has cocaine and mdma
I want to try something psychidelic

Go to some techno or drums and just ask around.