China hate thread - Because they deserve it edition

Post your collection pol. Pic related is OC, made it today after browsing amazon forums (I'm a seller). This is typical behavior as they don't respect any rules. And amazon holds the door open for them, encouraging this plague and all the problems they bring with them.
>first they steal your manufacturing base, but that's ok we still design shit
>then they steal your designs and technology, but that's ok we still sell shit
>then they go on amazon and steal your customers, steal your brand, steal your product, completely pushing you out of your own market through vertical integration
>oh and they're stealing your elections too to make sure nothing changes
Honestly fuck china. They're the real threat. Those of you who think Jews are greedy, can't be trusted and have their eyes set on controlling the world have obviously never conducted business with these people. They are ruthless. Commerce is a blood sport to them and they don't abide any rules. They'll be buying up your neighborhood, destroying your company, taking your job and taking over your government while you're busy memeing about jews.

How about paying some attention to the billions of merchants buying up your nation pol?

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Bump for effort.
Youre certainly not wrong, they are the biggest economic threat to US industry and have already tanked steel and lumber domestically, two of the biggest blue collar industries with loads of 3rd and 4th order negative effects. Unfortunately, it was the Jews that opened up the markets that allowed them to do all of this.

bump fuck chinks

Chinese people

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Chinese history

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Chinese slavery

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Chinese badge of servitude

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Of course israel and its golem hate China

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>Yes, our news media is entirely owned and run by Jews
>Yes, our entertainment industry is entirely owned and run by Jews
>Yes, our largest and most powerful financial institutions are owned and run by Jews
>Yes, the richest people in the US are Jews
>Yes, the wealthiest landlords in the US are Jews
>Yes, the white house is full of Jews
>Yes, our highest judicial institution, the American Supreme Court, is half jewish
>Yes, all of our presidents and presidential candidates kneel to the AIPAC
>Yes, all of our most prestigious universities are filled to the brim with semites
>Yes, our most respected university professors are Jewish.
>Yes, all of our social movements have been spearheaded by Jewish intellectuals
>Yes, our religion is Jewish
>Yes, most Americans consider Jews to be the Chosen People
>Yes, our foreign policy is entirely dedicated towards defending Israel and helping it expand

BUT! haha! Not so fast!
>Look at this 60-year-old picture of Mao posing with American Jews working in American finance in order to make money for American corporations in China. Look I colored them blue so you can REALLY see them!
>Also look at this one jew, really look at him. He is jewish, look. He is being jewish... in 1960's China! Look.
>Now look at this Wikipedia page. Notice something? He's Jewish AND he lived in China. He was a doctor and I'm sure he jewishly removed bullets from wounded soldiers in a very Jewish manner. He obviously controlled the Party. That's one more!
>Look at this picture of Xi shaking hand with Netanyahu. Look they're smiling. He owns him. No, not Xi, the Jew. The Jew owns Xi, look. Look, it's obvious. Look at the angle their hands make. That's Jewish magic (or some say Majick). Why else would world leaders shake hands or engage in trade?

See? Both sides are just as zogged and part of a grand 1000-year-old zionist master plan so you might as well just give up and defend OUR status quo, fellow lib- ... White freedom-loving right-winger!

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Cope chink faggot

my great-uncle worked in finance and international business, focused in china. before he passed he told me 'you cant trust a chinaman- theyre a shifty people'. greedier and more vile than jooz IMO.

notice they don't have distended bellies like the children in africa. I wonder why.

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