Why is the US the only country in the world to collect racial data on its citizens?

Why is the US the only country in the world to collect racial data on its citizens?

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I lived in Germany for three years and they hate burgers more than any other place I’ve been to except Serbia. Even Serbs just hate is for bombing them, but not this whole resentment cuck mentality where war guilt is externalized. It’s nuts frankly, especially because of how bad France and Russia wanted to rape Germany after the war, which the UK and US put a stop to. But Germans despise Anglos and love the ones who wanted them enslaved after the war and fought tooth and nail against their reunification

They’ll get what’s coming this winter.
Never forget how they laughed at Trump for warning them about becoming dependent on Russia oil.

Because we have the most diverse nation on the planet by a long shot

They have the most extraordinary smugness to them and the only people in Europe who can seem to stand them are Croats. If you mention a German philosopher, for ex, they’ll make this big display of being so shocked and astonished that a dumb illiterate American could possibly know about this person. It reminds me of Canadians and fake nice Minnesotans

Everybody hates burguers, burguer, your country have been sabotage lots of others countries around the wolrd. Brazil have been sabotated for at least 200 years by americans over britains orders.
Now your country have the same problems they created to the world happening ln your yard.

Lmao it's gotta suck so fucking hard to be Brazilian. Get fucked faggot

>the only country
We do it too

This is why I support pulling out of NATO.

We've moved passed the denial phase of racial statistics and into the "justification" phase i.e. yes niggers are dumb and it's all white peoples' fault. Europe is just lagging by like 15 years.

We view you the same as a retarded cousin at the family reunion. You can eat the potato salad but stay away from the flag football game or you are gonna catch a shiner.

>rich family clans
That’s literally Russia lmao

It's not hard, actually, since I'm rich, its super easy.
Burguer, its just matter of time to your country falls. Your country have been on knee to devil for a long time now.
Brazil is a God's land and we are warriors and a brave people.
Btw, Mexico is a brazilian brother, and what eurocucks and burguers have been doing to Mex along the centuries will be pais sometime.

Well I suppose not anymore (no money)

That's just some Gutmensch that pretends to not understand the problem
If Germany had to deal with negroes for centuries I'm damn certain the most statistically minded record keeping people on the planet would keep records on who lives where
They were keeping accurate records even as their country was collapsing in mid 45
You can't even move from 1 small town to another (in the same state) in Germany without registering at 5 different offices
It's a Gutmensch faggot, not an /ourguy Germanon

Germans are fucking weird. They are a country of wallflowers who take pleasure in seething. Even in every day life they are staring at everyone around them. quietly hating the world and themselves.

>If you mention a German philosopher, for ex, they’ll make this big display of being so shocked and astonished that a dumb illiterate American could possibly know about this person.

Have you met the average American? Most Americans think "Russia vs Ukraine" is a "equal fight between obsolete antiquated powers" dispite being unable to point to Ukraine on a map. Very few Americans know who Neitzche is, let alone Hobbs, Locke, Heidigger, Sartre, Rousseau, or any of the classic staples of western philosophy. Most Americans have heard of Aristotle and Plato due to Bill and Ted's excellent adventure.

German smugness is annoying considering they lost the war. I believe deep down krauts still believe America had no business getting involved in WW1

Yea sure bro I'm sure Brazil is gonna takeoff any day now. Build a wall around your country without any other influences especially the US and see how quick your shitty country implodes

Yeah but I don’t care what you niggers think about anything, much less my nationality. Why would I? It’s just weird. Wanting to be liked is something women do

>Why is the US the only country in the world to collect racial data on its citizens?

Because obesity is a black problem mostly and the first black president tried to make white people pay for the nation's medical.

Ah got, should have figured you were a chink

As someone clarified it long time ago, Germany is like a teen daughter who despises her boomer father the USA who saved her from her rapist (Russia) but adores her rapist Russia more than anything

Cant claim blacks are too retarded to get IDs if you dont keep track of data

People are dumb everywhere user, especially these days. I’ve travelled and lived all over and that is one thing I’ve definitely learned. The main difference between peoples is between those who have inferiority complexes and those who do not

>Very few Americans know who Neitzche
Lots of evangelicals do. They use Neitzsche as king athiest in propaganda because they took "God is dead" literally.

They’ve never read him though. It the same as people who think Kant was critical of reason

>Sopa de macaco uma delicia