Scotland: Black Muslim energy bill 250 a month

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She should go back to Africa where there are no bills.

Are there really no bills in Africa? I know some still don't have running water and live in huts or whatever but what about places like Nigeria, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Sudan etc? These places at least the main cities look quite developed for Africa whenever i've seen them on the news. Surely they have internet and electricity in these places, no? How do they even pay for their cars?

oh no, let's let ourselves be conquered by the literal commies, do it for the sake of Aisha Yesufu.

maybe Aliyyyyyyyahhhhhh should turn off the 8 70" screens the british government bought for her.

>blacks paying the same prices that whites do is rayyycisss, gibs us dat fo free!

why are any niggers muslim? muhammad enslaved your stupid black asses. ugly fucking nigger

>African cities look developed
Those are western colonies.
Real africa is void of development

>Black energy
is this from some cybergoth sci fi?

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Why aren't all of them KANGZ over there inventing new energy sources n shiet?

It's like in America - whites build everything and then leave, then blacks move in and everything returns to dirt

Nigeria might be the exception
Nigerians are the best of the blacks

that ape is most likely heating its apartment by turning the oven on & keeping the door open
that's what they've done in finlan

They’re flooding the west like the rest.
If anything, Any Forums is a Tutsi board.
let Allah into your hearts ,just like this pretty lady

That's literally how much i pay quarterly with my gaming PC

stop being a poorfag nigger

i saw her on the news. she is a student and lives in a 2 bedroom flat. her flatmate left so she is paying the 2 person bill by herself. probably using much the same electricity and heating as before when 2 people lived in the flat. the prices have risen, it is true. but they purposefully chose someone they can use to present distorted truth. the african aspect is just the icing on the cake.

Yeah no running water, no power, no job usually means no bills.


Fake. Niggers don't use electricity, they prefer the dark.



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good, strangle them economically at least

I have my doubts you media faggot jews

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