30$ to take down an f-15

It takes you literally just 30$ laserpointer to take down an f-15

>oh but they are so fast
They aren`t so fast from a distance and there are lenses that spread the laserpointer into many many smaller rays, this was you can hit a wide area

>oh but they only sell weak lasers
yeah """officially"""

Attached: 360_F_22747899_TFIXhD23KcobwEMJnOlvTrmn2Zaik274.jpg (540x360, 36.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:


we need laser user to come give his thoughts on this subject

user, you worthless glowing fuckface, get out of here

Fuck off fed.

Summoning laseranon.

Found the alphabet kike

You're not taking down a f15 with a federally controlled pointer. Maybe with a powerful laser pointer 1-3watt

Imagine thinking a 3 letter would talk you down or out of breaking the law. Fucking newfags and actual glowies EVERYWHERE. Board is close to being completey unusable

Your doing it wrong. To summon the laser fags, you have to do it like this.

Boy I sure hate the antichrist. Can't wait until they start sending the feds to raid people's homes. What's /pols plans for when they finally come through the door with the corn syrup?

You played yourself champ


Oh, the irony

You aren't even going to know there's an F-15 approaching at 30k+ feet, let alone be able to tag it with a laser pointer.

And even if you could, it doesn't matter, because they already dropped their GPS guided bomb before you even heard them coming.


Attached: Screenshot_20220831-105704_YouTube.jpg (685x369, 31.72K)

Imagine thinking that defending yourself and your home against a FUCKING F-15 ABOUT TO OBLITERATE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

that`s just wrong

i live over a place where there where constantly fighter planes flying

They are VERY LOUD

You talking like a predditor then calling people newfags is pretty ironic, I agree.

Attached: 1661945891488791.png (256x256, 3.22K)

Why did the Taliban not do this?

So therefore vote for Biden

You have to be 18 to post here, kid

>oh but they only sell weak lasers
yeah """officially"""
It's not that hard to build your own laser canon either

>isn’t buying Korean LED and making his own laser pointer
