I fucking hate these fucking people so much it’s unreal

I fucking hate these fucking people so much it’s unreal.

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You're hateful over gardening?
Maybe you have a problem.

Ha way too funny very high iq post good job

Is it tim to ditch James Wong?

ikr it comes from the french word "jardin" and the french are evil whyte devils

Gardening should be illegal for nogs, cause that would be cultural appropriation. They can only eat other nogs.

Why are you so upset about things that don’t affect you at all?
Consider what truly matters to you and fuck off from everything else

>Why are you so upset about things that don’t affect you at all?
They said the same shit about gay marriage.

He meant it’s full of bultural cabbage. He fucked it up, I fixed it for him. You’re welcome James!!!

And it fucked your mind up to the point where you started fucking guys?

If not, why are you upset?

Because they groom children in public schools now

If you see someone doing something illegal you should call the police. If you see someone grooming children in a public school and don't involve law enforcement, you are complicit.

Use their own tactics against them, get rid of ofj words like "racism" "bigot" etc

but they do affect me, you glowie fuck

Okay groomer.

>Chink invader barbarian fuckhead lives in a country he had no hand in creating and shares no commonality with the people who did
>"Let me tell you about your country"
Yeah, these people need to just shut the fuck up and leave

wtf is a nog?

It does affect me you fucking American piece of shit. What would affect me at all is if the USA got nuked into the pages of history you little fuck.

It's not only legal It's mandatory now. You'll be the one in trouble for resisting. Thanks faggots

>muh water muh watter
oh my god this generation is so pathetic
do you think the Marines went begging for water when they fought off the Blitzkrieg at Normandy? Did they cry about the sound quality when Stuka dive bombers were shelling them? Fuck no, they picked up their uzis and blew the fuck out of the Nazi fucks with fifty calibers of fucking fury
You’re such a bitch ass nigger that you cry about having to sit still for two and a half fucking hours.
Do you know how long the 51st Massachusetts had to sit still in their trenches at El Alamein so the Italian u-boats wouldn’t hear them with sonar? Three FUCKING years with no resupply. Those were men. Those were real white men. And here you have the chance to be witness and a part of a piece of history, and all you can do is cry like a little botch about “ noo the speakers crackle too much and oh the drizzle is coming into my tent this is awful”
you are a disgrace. I spit on you, nigger. You are the shame of history

Its nearly time to shut the mutts down, mini hans.

>it comes from the french
please PLEASE learn your linguistics before coming on the internet to spew vile nonsense

Gay marriage has though. Civilization has nose-dived since.

Then the only thing you can reasonably do is kill yourself. Any message that tells you to kill your countrymen comes from the enemy. Let people go on about their legal business and save your effort for something that affects you directly.

it should be terms 'landscape diversity and production improvement activity', while being centrally regulated by the local block captain who is in turn managed by a distant communist despot, just like in the good old days of Wongs recent past.

sorry I wrote this for the Amazon LOTR premier thread but the thread archives before I could post so now I’m mad


That's the only thing that you need to know about this thread and why these articles (and ones similar) are coming about.

> huffpost.com/entry/what-is-pilpul-and-why-on_b_507522

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test post

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>just let us groom your children

A word for black people used by those too squeamish to type 'nigger'.

Can you like, not use that term? I don't know when the hippies became Nazis, but you need to deal with this asap.

>james wong
Fucking commie chink fucks! DIE!

>y-youll nerver doo's anything!
>you shouldnt do anything just go on about your business

which is it you cat eating bugman?

>being self sufficient is anti-Semitic goy!
Go to Goymart and buy the onions isolate product that my food manfucaturing company makes. Think of the 6 gorrilion!

>hippies became Nazis
during the Obama administration.


ah gotcha, thanks leaf fren

A nigger. Nigger.

Or, you know, talk about murdering people online until the police come to your house, it's all the same to me.

This bot only reads the first few words of a post


how the fuck is gardening offensive in any way?... you really can just make up any old shit now, someone should make a shitlib article generator that randomly gives you an article that could be from Buzzfeed or Vice etc

Shoes are a tool of white supremacy
By Gemma Goldberg

Here in the decedent west we might take shoes for granted, but they have a dark history of contracting the feet of indigenous people

Faggot meme flagger is really desperate for the (you)s today

Sometimes I type nigger too often and I have to change it up.

it's rhyming slang for frog

I want to live in a farm in a neighborhood with good schools and tend to my garden.

I hate chinks, i hate niggers. I don't have either in my garden.

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You are giving me whiplash with how fast you're jumping from topic to topic everytime your retardation is pointed out

a mog? or a jog?

Because we’re not selfish, brooding adolescents. We live in a civilization with others and we are not islands so we can’t always shuffle around looking at our feet.

Also stop taking every form of criticism personally. People are allowed to not like stuff.

Nigger nogger joggers.

>is it time we punched communists pushing their shitty ideologies and rhetoric
punch a communist

Pasta 06 b Any Forums

"Loyal Americans must relearn to hate their enemies"

Hate is good:

Pic related explains why violence is fundamental and necessary in order to fix the societal decay of the West (someone will have to destroy the bad guys that destroyed our countries and are waging a war of extermination against Whites of all religions and Christians of all races, and the question now is who exactly is going to be doing the killing that needs to be done (it will either be tribunals using death penalty for treason and other crimes, or that failing, the people, like the Founding Fathers did, once they reach peak dispair from criminals destroying them with impunity)):

"The systems we live under force us to display tolerance... all while they inflict their 'zero tolerance' policies on us."

Pic related shows why nothing makes sense about the political situation of the West until we realize that we live under occupation, that our enemy has won long ago and that now his only objective is to simply humiliate us until we mentally break and stop wanting to fight back (they are trying to program us to fall into a state of learned helplessness, that's why they fear our hability and hate, because hate emancipates, and without hate for slavery you cannot break your shackles):

Attached: 1661820832893070.jpg (560x929, 150.75K)

--Ecclesiastes 3:1-8--
A Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

--Matthew 10:34--
Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

--Psalm 144:1--
Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson

"Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant then it tries to silence good." - Charles Chaput

"This country was founded by dangerous men and the moment we cease to be dangerous men we will cease to be a country." - Bill Cooper

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." - Thomas Jefferson

"When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That's why he's not afraid of it. That's why we'll win." - Spartacus

"I didn't hate anyone until you told me to hate myself."

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>until the police come to your house
The police are defunded, they aren't coming.

you think like that if you are a faggot pushing chinky way of life. They can keep their heads down while a fucking nuke with flying baby parts is going off the next street over.


Yeah lets call it what it is, personal subsistence farming.

>faggots scared to say nigger so they say nog


>Is it time we ditched the term 'canadian'?
>It may seem inoffensive, but it's loaded with cultural baggage.

Thank you Guardian for giving us yet another word we can use for niggers.
>Hey dude you going to Stacy's?
>Are there gonna be any non-gardeners there?
>Like two
>No then

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apples pairs, stairs
pairs = stairs
big nog, frog
nog = frog
frog = frenchman
how is this hard to grasp?

cultural cabbage sounds tasty

Right wingers: Oppress/hate LGBT, oppress women and girls, oppress/kill immigrants asnd foreigners, create massive police state, glamorize and promote violence, spread preventable disease, destroy the environment and democracy, gut social safety net. Literal demons
Left wingers: Write a provocative thinkpiece for their dying journalism job about the word "gardening"

Sorry but only ONE of these groups is actually worth hating

>does mental gymnastics to avoid directly discussing the issue

do we even wonder who is behind these posts

now that the evidence is obvious, there is no reason to respond to this ID besides telling others to stop responding to this ID

this is a jewish post designed to stir up trouble and kill discussion

its the second one

Easily the journalists in your example

Kill yourself you worthless faggot hypocrite