Reminder to anti-Russian shills

Ukrainians deserve denazification. The memory of our Victory was displaced by their nativist folk bullshit. Their nationalists run amok and target peaceful, innocent gypsies, tear down Lenin statues. Ukrainians peddle their backwards folk costume tradition, cherish eurocentric traitors like Mazepa, they're antiscientific rustics who oppose Russia's first and objectively best Covid vaccine. We all condemn their backwards nonsense. Any Forums has been historically a pro-May 9th, National Bolshevik board.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bandera collaborated with the Natsocs against the Jews.
Jews invented communism.
Tear down all Lenin ststues and get fucked nigger. You're too stupid to understand what the kikes are doing to your country. Until then, your life won't make sense at all

and the Russian shill is quiet.

It costs 40$ for a steak dinner, I don’t give a flying fuck about your Ukrainian and Russian bullshit and neither does anyone else outside of their job profession. Everyone wants it to end and no one will care if it’s Russia winning, they’d probably prefer it if they knew how cheap gas could be

no offense but Russia is a poor demonic shithole that must be destroyed at all costs.

Hell yeah comrade, fuck white supremacist nazis. Z

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World Without Nazism is also a really neat idea.

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Dumb Aussie, why are you taking the exact same bait for the 100th time?

How is it bait? are you denying World Without Nazism exists?

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He's been making the exact same thread for months


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I'm aware, i just use it to embarrass you now.

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Embarrass me? But how?

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By showing that you literally have your own ADL that promotes Jewish supremacy.

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How did they get away with it lads? how did Russia fool people so badly?

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Jewish Bolsheviks annihilated Russia more than a century ago bro
>you you you
I personally dindu nuffin

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Notice how ruskies always shill for communism on here non-stop? that's because the perestroika deception has always been real.

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lol nobody has a problem with their costumes and they don't do shit to gypsies, do you think you join nato and EU and get to get rid of gypsies? lol\

the only people you get to discriminate against are russians, and then you force russians to cry about racism and everything gets extra gay

why can't you just not stab your brothers in the back?

le butthurt glownigger false flag thread

>ruskies always shill for communism on here non-stop?
That's not true though. Maybe that's what you want to see.

Did you know that George Soros is actually playing both sides in this war?

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>everyone i disagree with is a glowie
Just showing all the evidence so people aren't mistaken in what Russia has been supporting in western counties for quite a long time now, they are funding ANTIFA just like George Soros is.

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fuck russia