First appointment of the day

How much do I quote them for

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6 shekels with no interest.

what's the product, how's your sales funnel looking and what's avg deal size bro, give us the metrics, sales anons are on the case.

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charge in israels national currency obviously: ovens

6 million, obviously

or 250,000 to be more subtle

Lots today.

Appointment for what? Do you have a topic?

Tell her you'll charge $1 for every jew that died in the holocaust and watch her become a denier

Home improvement projects, this job specifically is siding on a house in Cleveland OH.
Avg whole home siding is 15k-30k


wealthy neighborhood where property value is higher than avg due to land? quote them near the top of your price range, then shoot the bs with them for a minute, and then say "you know what man, inflation is just killing everyone right now.. let me see if I can get this down a bit for ya, just come back to us in the future" and then take 2-5% off.

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Should I greet them on the phone by saying “shalom”

Triple the normal cost

one cent for every Jew that died in the holocaust
in other words, $2500

> wealthy neighborhood where property value is higher than avg due to land?
No the opposite.
Cleveland is a hub for foreign investors to buy cheap as shit houses then rent them out to niggers for extremely high prices.

then tell him he needs to get it at full price because insurance won't insure siding that is shoddily put on the home and that he'll definitely want to insure it because of nigs.

So, Blackrock?

This. If you don't work 1488 into the figure, you've failed

>implying kikes don't want to cut corners
user, I....

I’m thinking of laying a sales trap and saying it will be covered for life no matter what happens
Then when something happens they’ll findout I lied

At least work 1488 into the price and post redacted proof if it won't dox you

Will do, I also have all kinds of contact information for this person/company so I’m debating on wether or not to dox them

you get 1 reputation user.

add an extra 10%