This is the room of the typical Any Forums poster

Someone who feels entitled to have opinions about how to run big important things in the outside world

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why is it so clean?


Get back to your cuck shed, Sven

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post battlestation and collection, Svein

>This is the room of the typical Any Forums poster
There are literally more shills here than actual users so yeah you're probably right

>clean room

looks comfy

looks like heaven

normal people keep their odd hobbies to themselves, like figure collecting for example.

mentally ill faggots broadcast it to the world.

Is this literally public discourse now? I bet you gossip about people in public too you faggot.



Basement rooms are comfier. They stay cool in summer and require less effort to heat in winter (I.E. a sweaty day of gaming could heat up a small basement room in summer.)
I miss my old room in my father's basement: I removed the closet's door and set up my battle station into it.

Way too clean...

Where's the piss jar?

>reclining rolling chair
>gee bill two desks
>several thousand in figurines
I'm nowhere near as fortunate.


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>retro gaming on a CRT

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All diogenes needed was a jar, whats your excuse?

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