Bong slags

Sam Hyde talks about how ugly bong women are

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It's a meme you idiot.
Some of the most beautiful women in the world are British.

>Kiera knightly
>Princes kate
>Her from Harry potter
>Belle Delphine
>Pat Butcher
>Emilia Clark
>Those two Brexit slags


>>Kiera knightly
10/10 in Bongland

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>I could go on but I really can't.

It'll seem like more if you add a few Etcs.
Also don't forget Maisie Williams.

Too much make up face all bunched up

They are indeed ugly inbred freaks, the bong female phenotype is so offensively subhuman they deserve to be bullied to suicide. If I had my way they'd be sterillised and beaten and whipped whenever they're out in public. Their faces are so punchable too, whenever I see them I just want to smack their heads in with a brick.

>Maisie Williams
She is the most inbred deformed dysgenic cunt out there, I just want to blow her head off with a shotgun whenever I see her in kike faggot advertisements.

I see beautiful girls everyday.
Ugly ones too.
Just like any other county in the world.

Adele Stevens even though she has a moustache

None of these women are particularly attractive desu. See much nicer women just walking down the street.

This is a cope, bong foids are significantly more dysgenic than other Europeans, they should be vaginally mutilated in town squares.

No you don't, the foids you see walking down the street should be shot for embarrassing the nation with their genetic subhumanity

Pat Butcher, kek

Lol imagine not thinking Russia women are the best

Now you see the delusion of the pathetic cuckold men here who defened their slut women only to now be rejected by them anyway lol.

sorry about your floods

I see plenty of polish women too and I’ve never once thought they were pretty. I’d imagine you’re an arab or some other subhuman guest in this nation.

You post like a smelly brown person who can't get laid, so you vent your frustration at females on 4chins hahaha transparent

Yes I do.
You’re welcome to keep fucking men though, doesn’t bother me.

yeah that was funny lol

or goats

You don't know who Pat Butcher is, do you? My suspicion of you being a smelly brown person increases with each passing post. Stay mad

Kill yourself zoomer for not including Kate Beckinsale and Liz Hurley, the two most obvious examples.

your parents are first cousins

Buddy. Who are you trying to fool?

Brit girls are amongst the ugliest in the world. 2/3 are fat, even obese, they rely on makeup and have personalities of princesses because of shitty parenting

The only way forward for a British man is to bang immigrant pussy (White preferably)

Which one will you put your baby in Any Forums

>Inb4 the black one

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bit've cope this innit

This forren cope is amusing.

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Ginger or Posh

Second to left of course. I have a thing for cute short women.

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It's okay.
I'm Scottish you retard faggot, pakis are impressed by subhuman bong foids. I am not.
Says the expat geomaxxing truecel who had to move to a gook country to fuck slanteyed mongoloids becausr he couldn't attract a woman of his own race.
You cry irl.
The cope lol. As if being natirally disgusted by the deformed freaks that are bong foids makes you a faggot and not a normal person who is only attracted to women who don't all have fetal alcohol syndrome.
I'm European, you're a ricefarmer. Stay away from Europe. Imagine being this mad on behalf of the most dysgenically fucking genetically defective slackjawed disfigured women in Europe lol.
Nice projection paki cunt, you just defend them because you can only get with uglies.

its either 0 or 100% here.
they are sometimes so beautiful. but most are simply complete goblins. the fucking gunts on em mate

All of them are ugly. And unfortunately Belle Delphine is South African.

Why are you simping for slags? Working class british women are orcs user. Search your heart you know it is true

I agree most are slugs
But I find imogen to be the most beautiful woman

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They should unironically be exterminated.