Attached: 3C9D88C8-799F-47A3-9A01-2DDD4116AF6E.jpg (3500x2409, 1.3M)

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That's not very nice, I think you need to have a slice of pizza and cheer up, that's something all of us can enjoy.


>first McDonald's opens under Gorbachev rule
>Gorbachev dies after McDonald's closed in Russia

Blithering idiot ruined everything

Is it illegal to smile in photos in Russia?

It's very poetic that the buffoon saw his life's work be decimated, I wish every asshole experienced it that way.

What did he do wrong?

ruined the jewish superpower

He wasn't strong enough. He had good intentions, but lacked the will to see them through, but in the end it was mostly the systems fault. He's a tragic man and his greatest deed of stepping down peacefully and not ushering a civil war is forgotten.

why doesnt russia go back to being communist and close its borders to the west completely
everyone wins

Wasn't Yeltsin worse?

That nigger opened the country's media for "freedom of speech" which allowed kikes to put anti-soviet propaganda.

Then because of all the chaos, Yeltsin and his gang of four fucked over the soviet army who tried to coup him, then made Gorbachev publicly shame communism and end the soviet union.

Yeltsin was a CIA asset.

He gave everything away to US without any benefit or guarantee for Russia/USSR

More like vindicated. He always claimed that forcefull attempts at keeping the CCCP togheter would lead to war. Well here's your war with a country that dosen't want anything to do with Russia.

Leftism cannot survive without censorship.

>life's work
That's too generous. He just fucked up and made it look like it was intentional

He who lives by the McDonalds, dies by the McDonalds.

Attached: You-Don't-Know-How-Good-Things-Are-Russia-Bear-Bald-Eagle-Sanctions-Fast-Food-McDonalds-1647531171046.jpg (900x900, 408.44K)

You should follow his example.

1. Couldn't handle the heat coming from commie elites inside
2. Was too weak to confront the US outside

He wasn't a bad man, just too guillable and lightweight

It could if the US and kikes didn't have intelligence agencies paying off people everywhere to instate chaos.

>Is it illegal to smile in photos in Russia?
May be hard to believe, but once in awhile Russians will smile in photos. But I can understand why Gorbachev wouldn't smile, because he knows he fucked up and everything he had believed in was undone on his watch. Who would smile in his shoes?

Attached: TASS_18021673.jpg (1000x667, 199.17K)

It can't even survive on lefty snowflake hugboxes like leftypol without censorship.

Dont you have an offensive to be part of? Hurry up and join the lemmings into the gunfire.

>Well here's your war with a country that dosen't want anything to do with Russia.
And yet the Donbass region does. Western Ukraine might not, but the war isn't taking place there (yet).

Attached: Donetsk-People's-Republic-Must-Go.jpg (1616x1256, 543.5K)

Today is a tragic day. I'll raise a glass for him. RIP


Hope he faces in his dead what thousands of people faced during the disaster of chernobyl.

it wouldn't even let me reply to the fag, claiming my post resembled spam, ask it to post tits there's no way a man wrote anything that sassy with a name that gay

if you talk and write in try hard nigger slang, still making esl mistakes and all under a memeflag like that, we all know you are polish/ukrainian or equivalent

And the last relic of the ussr is gone.
Goodbye forever.


Russians just hate any leader who isn't a complete thug