This is what happens when you elect republicans

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>this is what happens when faggots prioritize stuffing objects in their rectums until they have AIDS above all other issues

Michigan doesn't have drinkable water, California doesn't have a working power grid, and Minnesota doesn't have enough teachers.

California also doesn’t have drinkable water

Democrat ruled cities are dirty and dangerous.

Arigatou tanaka kun

>Michigan doesn't have drinkable water
Actually this got fixed several years ago. Several billions of dollars of infrastructure upgrades later and they have potable tapwater.

What?! Another dishonest Jew!

What a stupid kike.

at this point this faggot should just say god is punishing conservatives states for hating faggots and not allowing whores to kill their kids.
fcuking disingenuous faggots

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No, this happens when Dems are in office. Instead of fixing infrastructure, they were busy pushing woke garbage all over the place and hand out food stamps to niggers

try as you might, you will never get me to care about black people.

California is running out of water, Portland Oregon is a hellscape, you could play these left/right games all day but neither side offers any solutions.


imagine caring about niggers

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>punishing LGBTAQZSHUEHUEAIDS+ teachers
I wonder how was the world before they existed. How could we have survived without them for so long?

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Power in Texas has been fine, idk what these fucking yids are talking about.

The state of California having less water due to decades of drought isn’t the same as collapse of infrastructure in red state shitholes

California's power grid has been failing for years wtf are you talking about.

The Republican Party is not a governing party. Period. End of story.

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why dont republicans ever bring up the fact we're giving 1,500,000 acre fields of water a day. 300,000 gallons exist in an acre field btw in case you're wondering how much, that equates to trillions of gallons a water a year.

This has been happening since 1944 evidently

>please govern me harder daddy

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They act like thugs and make lower class people dependant on them while taking away their ability to hold employment as there's little incentive unless you have connections, take away the right to protect themselves against armed criminals and cutting off services. It's like they really hate african americans. Whenever the democrats do anything it's always giving white middle and upper class resources indirectly and flooding the poor with things that will make their lives worse. Didn't Hillary call them superpredators? If you really hate black people and convenience store clerks you should vote democrat.