Right now is the beginning of the end. Its not going to be painfully visible like we expected...

Right now is the beginning of the end. Its not going to be painfully visible like we expected. There wont be one apex event that starts the shootings, its a steady gradient into chaos. Much akin to whiplash we wont even realize what happened till we feel the aftermath of it. I am letting you know that if you have not stocked up on guns, utilities and unperishables you are going to have a miserable time. To those of you who are habitually prepared, congrats. You get to be witnesses to the end of days.

My best suggestion is to mark yourselves so we can still stick together.

-One of the good ones

Attached: 1200px-4_of_clubs.svg.png (1200x1740, 40.5K)

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Way ahead of ya partner

Pretty sure we already got this covered but thanks for the heads up.

Attached: Sendero_Luminoso.png (586x598, 24.01K)

Gorbachev RIP
China | Taiwan about to go kinetic
Russia pushing in Europe's shit
Trump Q posting

Mother of all False Flags coming in HOT!

Anons are better off as lone wolves

>Four of clubs indicates an exceptionally enjoyable and peaceful period. Your days will be long, sunny, uneventful and unusually happy.


Sometimes lone wolves cross paths and it's better if you can quickly ascertain if they are friendly or not

Nah, you write like a jewish fag.

Poorfag here. I bought the guns I could afford and ammo for them. A .22 and a 12 gauge is better than a stick. Only have a couple months of food but I will add a few more. Honestly if six months of food won't cut it we're fucked anyway.

>the shootings

it's the apocalypse, shootings is just a drop in the bucket

escape the city [step 1] if you want to survive


nah, anons are better in groups, in tribes

we are a social species for good reason. there is strength in numbers

a .22 is a fine weapon, get some high velocity ammo, eg. mini-mag velociter

no outside comms


go ahead and mark yourselves as easiest to pillage

>Right now
>wont be one apex event
>steady gradient into chaos
>Right now

Nibba this "gradient" has been happening since the early 1900s bare minimum, 2k years probably. Your mind is feeble and small, it carries an even smaller world view. You have zero ability to see beyond the here and now.

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Just bought a little solar generator to keep comms, lights, phones.. Can run smaller utilities for a few hours. Sunshine charges it fully in less than two hours. Pretty pleased with myself.

>the end of days
Maybe. They said the same thing in 1347 the year the black plague arrivesd in Europe, 1816 the year without a summer and 1939 the start of ww2. I hope this is the same.

Attached: 1658898734552893.jpg (480x640, 41.68K)

2032 bro, I've been telling you this since 09

We just gotta survive anarchy and chaos for the next 10 years, then the great reset will fix everything!

Old simpsons was so fucking good.