How did he see through it all, and why didn't we listen?

How did he see through it all, and why didn't we listen?

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he had probably at least 20 years of prior experience with cold and flus, as we all did

I got it this week and it didn't stop me. From spreading it to as many people as I could. Even gonna hop on the bus here in a bit, should be pretty packed at this time :)

Brady Sluder is the first chad of Covid. He probably got so much pussy that weekend.
The fat girls love that look.

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Brady Sluder has an IQ of 132. His college thesis was titled:
>Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures by Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked Source Array (the behavior of large stuff {Supraquantum Structures} relative and related to each other {Entanglement} after a very short duration {Mode-Locked} "Extremely Long Wavelength Pulse" by an arrangement {Array} of crystals with an atomic number greater than 92 {Transuranic}, without coming into physical contact with the structures in question {Induction}) (essentially about the teleportation of matter through the use of extremely dense elements).
The guy's a fucking genius.

Link to vid.
Want to revist this prophet's vision

He didn’t have access to the Chinese disinformation propaganda like Any Forums did.
We got fucked for several months, because we are not infallible, and they had a brilliant scheme.

new copy pasta

How can he get something that doesn't exist?

now he's dead

God has a special place in his heart
for children & drunks

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this cunt backpeddled when the heat was on. He's a faggot

>From spreading it to as many people as I could
unimaginably based

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What did you expect? His dad worked with Rockwell Automation back in the 80's on the retro encabulator. The guy was a freaking legend.

i trust anyone with a backwards baseball hat

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yea i would tip you reddit gold if I could, king

>I got it this week

Covid is the common flu rebranded

>How did he see through it all,
is white chad
> and why didn't we listen?
is white chad

What can we do to stop this Dark Biden sisters?

inb4 go back
I can't they banned me a year ago :(

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>he got the chyna sniffles

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achually it DID fuck up the gooks pretty good
about 10mill cellphone accounts just dropped of in that time frame
turns out CCP spread the gook-strain every where else but it never was as effective as with gooks themselves

ultimately irrelevant, because the vaxx was always meant to be the real killer

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hes to the left side of the midwit spectrum which actually makes him more intelligent
whats this phenomenon called again, its always depicted with the retard wokak the basedjak and the big brained wojak