What are we supposed to enjoy now that everything sucks?

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Things only suck in america

I live in your shit hole and it dissolves me away everyday

Let me tell you something about Canada, that Americans would never understand. In Canada WE are the superior nation in every regard. You fat FUCKS always say “Canadians are obsessed”, but let me tell you something you ignorant school shooting, Mexican/black, OBESUM, and unclean and uneducated faggots; you would be ‘obsessed’ too if you were next to a disgusting and FAILED abortion of a country.

I’m PROUD of being Canadian. I’m proud of the fact that I’m NOT AMERICAN. Every Canadian worth his salt, syrup and Timbits is proud of this

We have lots of immigrants in this country. And I can tell you with full confidence that I’d prefer 1,000,000,000 of each over a single American ANY day of the week. The moment somebody makes the choice to come here over the disgusting pile of REFUSE that is “over there”, they are by default SUPERIOR.

All of you had stupid spic parents that simply weren’t smart enough to come up here, and are of low class TRASH from all of your respective countries. And that’s a fact

In Canada you can be anything without the pain of being judged like you would in the capitalist aids-ridden hellhole down south. There is no such thing as crime here. There is no such thing as poverty here. No such thing as starvation. No such thing as sexual assault. And most of all, no such thing as being an AmeriFUCK.

Hell, I’m Canada you can be anything without the pain of being judged. You could literally be a purple goblin with a dildo on you forehead with sparkles and shit covering your feet and people would STILL understand, that’s how we roll, that’s what makes us superior.

Anything would be better as an alternative than being an American fuck up.

FUCK America and FUCK all the Americans reading this fucking comment.

The slow collapse.

>Things only suck in america

Ok but Ghostbusters is still the best movie ever made.


I made a game based on the movie.

sports. play sports.

Mindless sex/pornography and worthless Chinese crap from Amazon

>Mindless sex/pornography
I have a mutilated dick so I can't even enjoy that

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collapse is a slow process, enjoy the ride however you like. things will continue getting worse and more absurd

just enjoy the absurdity of it all, fren
there's nothing left to do but laugh

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get a hobby and live rurally away from faggots and niggers and life becomes better.

Memes aside America is actually one of the best countries in the world. Be grateful you live there. The average African or Arab or Indian would cut off their arm for a chance to live in the U.S.

You know how in the movies, there’s this little beta fucking nerd that makes friends with the main character and no one messes with him.

That’s you. That’s Canada.


Doc brown and egon spengler got the girls, and pretty much helped the main chracters (marty, peter venkman) with their lives, hugely. Bad assessment user.

For me, it is sourdough toast with butter, and chocolate milk (with Nestle's no sugar added chocolate milk mix).

Having this to look forward to every day is really keeping me going, man.

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Im talking more like that dude who almost got nigger-raped in episode 1 preach.

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Fighting back i guess, have thought about this for some time.


I've taken up homebrewing amateur radio. Take the Morse pill lads. You can broadcast across the entire planet for under 300$

Here’s your (You).

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For me it’s booze. This is having detrimental effects on my life.

Stop inhaling all the copium. Ukraine needs it more

Oh wow. I got trips! Nice! Also anons you can play around with "websdrs" google it! Pick a popular one (it's popular for a reason). Ubitx is the cheapest mostly built radio that will let you shit post across the world.

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You should try watching your neighbors, you know, keep tabs. I call it studying and I study, my whole villa village. I also farm praying mantises.

We need a John Connor.


I spent 5 minutes looking for a picture of a young Ukrainian man trolling the Russian military over HF just before the invasion.

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>You fat FUCKS always say “Canadians are obsessed”

lol we don't think about you at all