Self bagging

This confuses the American.
Can put met on the moon, but can't work out self bagging. Is it lazyness or incompetence?

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Why not just have a self-checkout line at that point? What's the point of a cashier if I have to bag my own groceries

Not a problem for me.


rocket programs for both US and USSR were run by German scientists, as their nuclear programs

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the really cheap shitty grocery stores (like Aldi) don't bag your groceries over here
you just bring everything over to a counter and put your shit in those reusable bags

It speeds up the line, unlike in europeans we have to hurry around to live.

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They have the retards do it at my grocery store and they suck at bagging. So I’m stuck in a weird situation where I could bag it myself and have a job done right, or make an actual retard feel bad for being shitty at their job when their life is already hard enough.

They were not.
Korelev was not German.
Germans piggybacked on earlier American and Russian work.

Every store I go to has self-checkout. Where do you get these bizarre ideas about America from?

It's not my job to bag items. That's in the cashier's job description.

Im black and I like to self bag because retarded niggers and hispanics dont know that its not a good idea to put the milk on top of the eggs

You know what I noticed? When my town was still majority white ~25 years ago, the store clerks bagged everything for you. Now that the town is ethnically cleansed with mexicans and orientals, it's all self bagging and now self checkout is becoming the norm. Service suffers when the population becomes subhuman.

5 years ago when i was a cashier if it’s less than 20 items and not a lot i has no problem bagging

it’s the 100 times and they stare at you to bag their shit and then to make it worse hand you their disgusting cat lady bags that smell like shit and you’re stuck their bagging their gross shit while they pay in food stamps

We have self-checkouts where we can do that, and where we don't, it's nice to have the bagging service, especially for the elderly.
America thankfully can afford to have luxuries like that even if they might seem excessive to someone from a much simpler country of low means like yourself. But it's nothing to be ashamed of.
In 30-40 years the UK might eventually get their own baggers as well.
Of course the rest of the world will have moved on to self-checkout by then.

Kek. I feel you. It's quite the conundrum.

Aldi is actually good quality. You are paying a premium on the brand name, not for the product quality in many cases. All of Aldi's stuff is locally sourced for each store, so you are actually benefiting the local economy in your area.

Why do you push these trash threads on this board?
Oh right.
You're a frightened jew who shits himself at the mere thought of more than one Aryan man speaking freely amongst themselves without your paranoid schizophrenic obsessive addiction to disrupting us with your absolute bullshit.

It's not working, is it, kike?
We are coming for you.
You will burn, jew.

russian program was a fiasco before the Germans

You just outed yourself, faggot.
Go play in traffic, bitch.

We have Aldi here too, faggot.

I went thru the self checkout at Costco Las weekend and the Richie Cunningham looking asshole came over and said “hey you didn’t scan that massive bag of nuts!” And of course I had so I showed him the receipt and asked him why the fuck the registers were all closed when his Opie ass was just standing around checking out my bag of nuts. Fucking asshole.

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I'd feel bad for you if you weren't an ESL retard.

Nobody had a proper program before the Germans because everyone thought rockets were nonsense and no government wanted to invest into them. But all the equations for it were already done in 20 years before the Nazi's took power. Their achievement was actually investing capital into rockets. The V1 and V2 were surpassed within 2 years of the war ending. Things Korolev designed were lightyears ahead of whatever the Nazi's did. The Nazi's get credit for making some decent prototypes.

>Aldi is actually good quality
No it isn't. The meat will spoil by the time you get it home. And many of us bagged groceries when we were teens. We are well aware of how to do it you drooling retard.
What do bongs do for teenage jobs? Suck paki cock?

don’t even know what that means because i’m straight

These companies hoard billions of dollars and push both liberal policies AND oppressive technocracy against our will. They are being cheap. They need to cut prices or bring people back. Or we're all switching to permanently.

Everything I said is a fact, you fucking dimbwit. You know nothing about the field. Go repeat your little gay naziboo shit somewhere else you fucking clown. How old are you? Tell the truth.

the soviet rocket program was a fucking slave labor camp where the scientists families were kept at gunpoint

Post some sources. You already spouted bullshit twice. Now you're doing it again.

like building nukes with the help of the rosenbergs

read a fucking book you subhuman CIA garbage

Like the US building the F-117 using the work of a Soviet mathematician?
What's your point, clown? That different people do different work and others improve upon it? Yeah bro, that means nobody has ever invented a sports cars or any wheeled vehicle because someone invented the wheel thousands of years ago. Fucking internet naziboo clown.

I prefer bagging myself. I dont want some unwashed wagie putting my eggs under my watermelon. And I would know, I used to work as a bag boy. Would just throw everything in a bag, hear some things smush in the process, throw the bags into the cart, look the customer in the eye and say "fuck you".

Can't name a single source can you? Fucking clown.

Looks like an Aldis. They don't use plastic bags like normal stores do.

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On the customer's end, it's called getting what you paid for. On the employer's end it's called earning your wage. It's not our fault that you limeys are dumb enough to do the cashier's job when you're at the grocery store. And how about a bit more respect after we saved your undeserving asses in two world wars.

The V2 couldn't even put a satellite in space, kek.
The V2 was the equivalent of a firework to what was done in the 50s and 60s. Lightyears ahead. Fucking internet Naziboo clowns sucking Nazi cock and appropriating everything to push their little gay ideology.

the soviet rocket program was a fucking slave labor camp where the scientists families were kept at gunpoint

hidden figures are real and they were Nazis
now with churchill in a box I can no longer debate
the entry of the British into WWII from their position it is simply no longer possible

It pisses me off because it use to be a service of the store, now prices have gone up, but they reduce services. I don't mind if I have only a few items, but if I'm buying a bunch of shit you better bag it.

and don't forget Aldi's is German. They actually have many good items.

its artificial jobs, created to make employment. we got plenty on them, like baggers

Most stores in The States have self-bagging along with self-check out. Why are you such a petty little bitch, OP?

Post a single source, dickhead. Security was extremely tight, as it was in the US. Why wouldn't it be? They were building things at the forefront of science and engineering. With the KGB and CIA trying to get their hands on all of it.

wtf? Aldi's quality is dog shit
I once eat some meat from there and had the shits for a week