Pay to see the dinosaur

>pay to see the dinosaur
>someone put a giant bag over its head

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No scientist ever said trust the science. Check it.

they keep the real bones locked in the basement allegedly.

That’s because they have the experience and education necessary to interpret scientific studies.

Normal people should trust science because they are frankly too dumb to understand what they’re reading

There are no bones, idiot. They only have fossils.

No one saw the irony of telling someone to have faith that a rag on their face would save them from illness while putting that on the fossils of an extinct animal?

Of course I trust that the Experts know more about me on a subject.
The question is: do they have a reason to lie?
Oh , they'll make a profit off of lying? That would make them untrustworthy, in which case I'm going to need to do the work myself.

Praise be to the high priests of science, for unto them divine scientific knowledge hath been forged in the fires of gender studies and political coercion far beyond our lowly understanding; without whom we would surely perish under the weight of our own stupidity!

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Trust the cigarette lighter in my pocket

Ah yes, the bible should be in Latin as the common man should not be burdened with having to think about the word of Jesus Christ. The church is the one in charge of interpreting it.

Dinosaurs aren’t real


It’s natural to seethe like this when someone calls you dumb, but the fact is that 90% of people will never be able to interpret an academic paper.

So either we have everyone talk from equal authority (and 90% of those opinions are complete nonsense) or we encourage people to listen to professionals.

There are issues of replicability and politics inside science of course. That does not mean the opinion of Cletus from the swamp is valuable.

Is that the science museum lobby in MN? Maybe they're getting jewish now and closing off the exhibits you don't have to pay to see. I wouldn't be surprised if they've been having issues with Somlian nigleets stampeding their museum to get free entry

"Science" is something to fundamentally be MISTRUSTED, always and forever. "Science" is constantly reformulating ideas and theories, it's not a dogmatic belief system. To blindly believe in any idea simply because it's published is the death of science.

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Those aren't even dinosaurs in the basement
They're much more humanoid

It’s a mask.

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whats funny is those aren't even real dinosaur bones. so its a fraud telling us to trust the science. kek.

“Trust Science” is an inherently unscientific statement

Lol this retard thinks they dead, nah senpai they be ones pullin dey strings

I'd accept that if I could be sure academia was an institution driven by good faith and intellectual integrity rather than by megalomaniacal ideologues.