Pol thinks this mongol from "tuva" is a savior of white europe / western civilization...

Pol thinks this mongol from "tuva" is a savior of white europe / western civilization, which isn't a surpise since most of you are amerimutts who consider people who look like this white.

Attached: 800px-Official_portrait_of_Sergey_Shoigu.jpg (800x1132, 160.33K)

90% of Canada looks like that

Hes half russian half mongol wich basically means a modern day normal russian

He looks like the average boomer professor. kek

oh look another seething chang

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Central Asians are unironically peak Asian masculinity

cool story changalang

Any Forumscels are just lame contrarians. If the left advocated for breathing air, incel Any Forumsturds would claim that air is a jewish conspiracy and hold their breath like toddlers thowing a temper tantrum.

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Any Forums also thinks the muttoid infested hellscape of Florida is the savior of white America. Not sure why people here are so quick to put their faith in shitskins but it's absolutely over if this is truly the best we have.

looks the same

Attached: f9d.png (600x659, 162.02K)

Are you scheduled for a hormone therapy session tomorrow?

This is you

go take care of your wife's son, faggot

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pick one and only one. We just hate globohomo more and Russian is the one giving Nato a black eye.

You have no principles and no chin lmao

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russia fags are one of the following
>muslims (most European flags)
>unironic RIDF shills
>braindead amerimutts who wants to be contrarian
>mentally ill schizo stormfags deep in autistic conspiracy theories

The reality of the world is that if you go to Kiev literally everyone is white and if you go to Moscow it is a shithole full with all kinds of niggers and mongrels

What would a chinaman like you know about it?

>Pol thinks
Kys kike

This is you my preddit friend.
You'll never be a woman.

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its funny because he's failing hard in ukraine
Wonder how he wasnt demoted already

If he is good at Kargyraa, Khoomey and Sygyt he may be.