54 threads about Russia

54 threads about Russia

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40 threads just to post an image of a frog.

Sorry everyone else is irrelevant


>54 threads about an irrelevant politician that no one cares about anymore

That's a conjoined twin cyclops frog tho.

You just contributed the 55th

Why is Any Forums obsessed with Russia?

no shootings in America today? Wtf!?


Endgame of vatnigger shilling. Welcome to nu/pol/ where we like islam, chinks, brother wars, browns killing whites and vodka.

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Hello there, Mikola.
Why aren't you on the front?

Quit astoturfing meaningless slavic drama to the english speaking world, we don't care. It's about as important as kids arguing what breakfast cereal to buy and certainly not worthy of 50+ threads worth of discussion.

Even people that do nothing but *browse* politics all day have nothing interesting to say about it. Wake us up when you start nuking each other or something but until then why don't ya'll stick to your ruskie language subreddits or something.

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55 including yours
what do you expect? the entire anglosphere is fighting a proxy war against them

Rent free.

including yours

I'm sure you counted instead of naively assuming I reported the wrong number.

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>anyone who opposes r*ssia is ukrainian
Go suck some chechen dick and thank him for service. Remember your days at the army.

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>Muh churkas
Not fooling anyone, Mikola.

>Rent free.

>Spam != rent free

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Yes yes Irhan Ismailnov... everyone who doesn't like you is ukrainian. They are your biggest enemy and only after slaughtering and raping everyone Russia will be great again.

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All of them are made by the same kike janny too