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>pay fo muh foo
>dats fo whypipo

how does the EBT system work? I've heard it's like a credit card that you can use to pay for food instead of using your own credit card. what happens if you buy clothes or electronics? how much money do you get in your EBT card? it's very interesting

It won't allow it.
It WILL however allow you to buy all steak, which you can then sell for cash, and buy a TV.

They're debit cards now because literal stamps are embarrassing for niggers to use. The register is supposed to know what's food or not so if you try to buy ineligible items it says you still owe other payment for them. Naturally some ghetto shops will game the system so everything is food.

boston baked beans - like out of a can? wtf? or is it those crappy candies. i haven't seen those in a while.

You can only buy food and groceries, but my mom used to buy groceries and sell them to my grandma for cash so she could buy smokes.

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Its like signing up for an amish meat co-op but instead Tyrone calls me at 6pm sells me 50$ worth of steak for 30$ on his walk home.

Items designated as EBT worthy are marked separately in the point of sale system they use so it only deducts from the EBT account what is eligble, it will show the amount left or excluded as well.

I wonder if the majority of steak sales come from ebt.

Cut them all off


What does market mean in this context? The super market, or a food bank? Do only certain types of grocery stores take EBT?

what's required to get an EBT card?
I assume birth cert and residency permits are racist

But who is buying the steak from the nigger walking out of Walmart?


Reminder that these fags can only buy dope and guns because they don't have to buy their own food.

ribeye steak is like 7 a pound on sale

Can't believe this is real, they're paying
Are ebt niggers not as bad as pol said they are?

Be a nigger. That's it. Every nigger I knew growing up was on food stamps. The kids even get a card sometimes so they can buy candy and soda from gas stations. And they get free breakfast and lunch at school. It's absurd how much money we waste on people of no value to society.

>would rather starve than spend their own cash
Niggers wonder why they are the way they are

Not sure, but I suspect a series of bureaucratic hoops to jump through each more tedious than the last and involving lengthy periods of standing in line and kissing up to social workers of various stripes.

Or you could probably do it over the net, but doubtless would take longer and be even more frustrating.

I'd rather work.

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>have money to pay
>yet still get ebt
Kek. nigger be gaming the system.