Surrender is treason

Why don't Russian soldiers fight to the death anymore?

Where is their honor?

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Holy shit, none of them is white.

still posting shit from march nigger?

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Why would they throw their life away for some rich kike oligarchs and the monke king?

go back to your nigger shithole polenigger rat

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they don't use politruks anymore for honor

Why dont you answer my question?

we haven't gotten much war gore yet. so I assume the war is over and russia never made it to kiev and ukraine didn't get them off their land.

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i will when you go back to your third world nigger shithole

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Afghanistan 2021

Rajesh delivering needfuls in Ukraine

>third world nigger shithole



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Check how many russkies surrendered during IIWW.
It' was probably more than entire US army in european front.

Pic related is what russkies should die for. No wonder they surrender.

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russia holds 10x more pows than ukraine does lol (official numbers)

looks like pooland are you sure it's not pooland?

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There are far more accounts of Ukrainians soldiers deserting and refusing to fight than Russian ones
>inb4 source
Look it up fat ass I’m trying to jerk off rn lmao
Oh and the accounts of Russians refusing to fight often has no source like the Ghost of Kiev and the Kherson Offensive. Lol.

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But more Ukrainians surrender.
Just in Mariupol more Ukrainians surrendered than Russians in the last 6 months.
There is hundreds of videos of surrendering Ukrainians. There were also many Mutts, Britcucks and other Western Losers among the surrendered.

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Yes I am. Not even pooland is that bad off.

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Sure thang sergej.

yeah Russia has officially around 10k POWs Ukraine slightly less than 1k

poleniggers make no sense

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Yet, here you are. Seething your ass off. Really activates those almonds.