Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have

>females are born with all the eggs they will ever have
>the vax accumulates in the ovaries
>mRNA can reverse transcribe into DNA
Are all vaxxed women and their offspring (if they can have any) GMO spike factories now?

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yes, Vaxxed women are toast, just another reason to stay with 2D

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>2D fag
Reproducing is your least concern

>females are born with all the eggs they will ever have
That one's not true anymore, they continue to grow eggs, but not at the same rate they're shed through ovulation. Menopause happens around the time ovulation beats production. Even menopausal women might still ovulate once every few years.

idk, but if this is true then humanity is doomed. There's no way to guarantee your wife, children, and grandchildren remain all unvaxxed and don't marry someone with at least a vax somewhere in the bloodline

>if this is true
>then humanity is doomed
no, just whites

reminder the chink vax is not mRNA stuff, india had barely any mRNA and they didn't even try vaxxing niggers in africa, meanwhile the west has like 80% vaxxrates of at least one shot in adults.
...and this has always been the plan, it seems...

eventually there will be just the mutt-goyim cattle and the kikes who rule over them.

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did they even keep an actual record of who's a vaxtard and who's not?

the trick is to find an unvaxed woman who feels when the eggs are moving and dick that can reach the cerivx, there is nothing better then hitting this mini anus with your load.

>DDR in ID

what do you think covid apps like tousanticovid do?
everytime you got a vaccine, theres a qr code that is issued and thats on a database
at least thats how it is all over the EU

Yeah, very well could be the case

>females are born with all the eggs they will ever have
Believe it or not, most feminists and hardcore Democrat women are not aware of this fact.

>they continue to grow eggs

The research that came demonstrating that women continue to grow eggs could not be replicated, which automatically refutes its claim.

Article (2020): the-scientist.com/news-opinion/single-cell-analysis-of-ovarian-cortex-fails-to-find-stem-cells-67232

It's over 90% in bongland and close to 90% in weimerica for at least 1 dose status. It's literally over. I'm not touching Western women with a 10 foot pole. When I feel like having a wife and children I'll go to some Central Asian country and get me a timid village girl who lived in a Yurt all life.

It was dakng

We are unironically heading to a reality where survivors of the jab will do everything to lie about their status. Women especially will do anything to trick a man into marrying them, even if their wombs are polluted mutant wastelands

80% one dose in this dump actually. Not much better, but still cursed

it is quite easy to distinguish vaxxed from an unvaxxed.
physically, mentally and "spiritually" you can separate them, won't tell exactly how because 1post by op id.

>>mRNA can reverse transcribe into DNA
The vaccine can't, since it does not have the necessary functionality. So new cells won't be affected.

>won't tell exactly how because 1post by op id

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according to the SCIENCE
...oh wait, the SCIENCE just changed...

nah, seriously.... don't know, don't care
only the kikes know what's really in them and what it exactly does.

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>it does not have the necessary functionality
It does not come bundled with a custom reverse transcriptase. That's a far cry from it being unable to write itself into DNA. There's no reason why it *couldn't* get caught up in routine transpositions.


It can and does reverse transcribe into DNA. If that happens to an egg cell, and it is somehow still fertile and gets impregnated (doubtful), the changed DNA would replicate.

>did they even keep an actual record of who's a vaxtard and who's not?

Their record may be fake but we should record it in real.

White people just can't stop fucking themselves over, can they?

Checked, whites wrekt
I’m dating a 2 dose full blooded Italian beauty until she keels and then I’m going straight to Tibet. My family all got it.
>she was having dizziness/light headed/fuzzy vision at the gym yesterday
The time is soon, frens.

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