I work 2500 to 3000 hrs a year

Medival peasants worked 1500 to 1600 hrs a year.

Tell me how capitalism has benefited us. A peasant even had a house and a horse and a wife and kids,

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No one is stopping you from living a medieval peasant life except for (You). They didn’t use the internet, for ex…yet here you are

And the king and his noblemen sat in a castle all day and trained with weapons to protect the peasants from Saracens and bandits, they don’t do that for us anymore

Look, the same has been true since the agricultural revolution. The same land could sustain one happy hunter or ten miserable, disease-prone, half-starved farmers. Guess who won.

These days we're basically raising humans as close as the law allows to battery chickens in coops. Because that's what creates even more people living on the same resources.

Population density and GDP beats all.

Anything over 2000 hours is your own fucking fault.

There is no land to get. I fucking don’t need the internet.

I am not kidding, my sister married a farmer and his land is worth 60 mill euros. Normal farmer.

I don't think horses were that common for the average man, were they?

All systems are trash, people are too fucking stupid for anything to work. God is the great tard wrangler, even you and i eat the PASTE!


Are you seriously under the impression the medieval peasants owned their own land?

>A peasant even had a house and a horse and a wife and kids,
if he wasn't a serf who couldn't leave his village without the lord permission lol

>no one is stopping you
>government steps in and seizes all your shit for not paying taxes
its literally impossible to live on your own land without having to earn fiat to pay the government for the right to stay on the fucking land you bought

I really wonder why we don’t have remote working now. I met a woman today who said “all home office workers slack off”, I told her during the height of the pandemic we had the highest efficiency and I was in the best shape of my life.

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Kek, Immediately OP blown the fuck out.

The primary job of medieval knights was going around and beating people up and seizing their stuff. Tony Soprano is a model of a medieval knight; Sir Lancelot is a cuckhold bisexual fantasy

>Are you seriously under the impression the medieval peasants owned their own land?

Who cares. They lived in a house and had land to work with.

I rather be a peasant than live a life of misery today.

And you do?

>Catholic church creating holidays
Not only was the church taking large amounts of wealth from the peasantry, but forbade them to work more to improve their lot.

>live a life of misery today.
Just because you feign that you’re miserable doesn’t mean you actually are.

It IS better today because you can shill CBD at aging boomers and use the debtors shekels to acquire overpriced images of kid witches pussies and the reminder on goyslop. DON'T FORGET TO TIP, FAGGOT!!!

But now you have enough money to afford a fancy electronic screen that delivers jew programming to you at 90 Hz.

So go rent a shed from some farmer in exchange for toiling on his field. That’s how it worked back then. But you’d rather post on the internet about how bad you have it, same as they complained to their priest

They also had to maintain all the land and animals so they didn’t die. They didn’t party all day during their free time.

most serfs could travel from town to town within the kingdom, it was actually common place for a lord to open up a new business and have to get peasants from all over to fill all the jobs
now the horse though that is most likely BS those things were super expensive but if they farmed any serious amount of land i could see it

Yes, but what does that have to do with the issue?

a peasant had a house, a horse, a wife and kids because letting the peasant have those things was the only thing keeping the peasants from killing all their overlords.
You have porn and internet for the same reason.

I have never worked a day in my life and never will. Your choice.

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You have an iPhone

>no one is stopping you

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He asked a question he didn’t say he does anything

The whole “medieval peasants had it so much better” is We Wuz Kangz for white wagies

neo reactionaries like OP get the rope

I know it's bait but god...

>1600 hours of hard back breaking labor from sunrise to sunset...
>doesn't include the rest of the day in which you had to gather firewood, water from a mile away, gather food if there was any
>every so often a famine wiped half your family
>one cut, one cold, one anything and you were dead
>your diet was shit poor and your health was shit poor
>your liege owned your land, your ass, basically everything
>you were considered inferior and had no voice in how the country was being run
>if the king so wished you would die, and if he so wished you were conscripted to some foreign land to die as a shit poor cannon fodder
>you lived to the ripe age of 40 and half your children died of malnurishment or disease
>church tax
>liege tax
>this year the tax gets even higher cause your shit fuck liege needs to build a castle and fund a war to get more land , to get more shit poor peasants working to make him rich

seriously fuck anyone that says living in the middle ages was cool

Don't forget that electricity didn't exist. You didn't have some kike whipping you to work into the night back then. And had months off due to seasonal changes.

Amish work 2/3rds of the year tough guy and abstain from things that even peasants 600 years ago could do.

This is completely and utterly false. Most peasants would be whipped if they went 20 miles from their village. They were serfs idiot.

>i own MY land

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>I fucking don’t need the internet.
then why are you here? I don't need anthrax, therefore I don't consume anthrax.

>Tell me how capitalism has benefited us.
Most of the wealth you would've accrued through your labor was stolen through inflation and taxes. Asset inflation which the Central banks love keeps pushing the "Dream" further and further away from your reach. Basically any -sim doesn't work so long as the currency itself is the mechanism for theft and profit.

A peasant had a house and a plot of land to use (not own) because without the peasants to work the land a lord had no income from the land. Depopulated areas regressed into game reserves until a local peasant population could be bred back up.

You can start tomorrow. Move to west texas. here is where you'll sleep. You have to wake up at 5 AM and then you have to herd cattle for the next 12 hours.

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>most peasants were punished severely

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1600 hours/year is the norm in France (even if most work more)

But he shouldn’t worry. He only has to do that 5 days a week for 28 weeks

Peasants would work 14 hour days for weeks at a time. Peasants work an actual job though while you work a McJob

A peasant did not have a house and a horse, you're thinking of farmers. Peasants had a shack and typhoid

Serfs and peasants arent the same thing retard

>Can't work during the winter
>Have to sleep with your animals for warmth
>most of the food you grow goes to your lord who is supposed to protect but doesn't really
How ideal.

The goal of capitalism is not to help you but rather produce a population of wage slaves the corporations can utilize as labor and the government can tax. If the goal was to benefit you the corporations would hold next to no power or influence and the government would be so limited that taxation would not be necessary

The establishment position in the US is to praise big government and celebrate massive corporations at least as long as they fly LGBTQ and BLM flags during pride and black history month

>No one is stopping you from living a medieval peasant life.

Wrong again fucking mutt.

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No, it doesn't stop there. Once the cattle herding is finished you have to find a way to keep paying for food, your lodging, heat, etc.

>look at this modern false equivalency

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>I work 2500 to 3000 hrs a year
lol that's it? I work almost double what you do and still have time to post on /pol

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>this year the tax gets even higher cause your shit fuck liege needs to build a castle and fund a war to get more land , to get more shit poor peasants working to make him rich
isn't that whats going on in ukraine right now? are you sure anything is different?

Explain how it is a false equivalency. I am offering OP the exact thing he wanted. A modern medieval peasant life.


There are a lot of rich landowners who would happily let you farm a plot of their land for your own use as long as you helped to maintain the property. You could probably work something out where You had running water, and your landlord might not even fuck your wife and daughters at will like the Lord used to do in medieval times.

Mideval peasants didn't only work 1,500 hours a year, the actual study says they worked 1,500 hours a year just to pay their taxes. They still had to work for their own food.

>Most peasants would be whipped if they went 20 miles from their village.
Did their Lords have intercontinental ballistic whips?

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> centuries long wars
>decades long wars
>oh shit drought
>oh shit flood
>oh shit this land that my liege rented to me produces fuck all and is barren but I need to pay the tax
>"sure milord, do away with my wife as ye please"
>neighbor thinks I'm a heretic, off to the stake I go...
>die because a brick crushed my skull while building milords fortress
>oh bubonic plague
>oh sweat fever
>brake hand.. die
>brake leg .. die
>brake anything..cripple or die
>getting too old ? Son leave me atop the mountain to die by starvation, cold or eaten by wolves

the joys of medieval peasantry life...

fuck all you bitches, you don't even know how hard it is to till land, sow crops and pray winter doesn't come too early or else you're starving another year eating cabbage water..

>what do you mean you cant outwork the entire planet goy?
>peasants competed globally, everyone knows this

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it was. you can't accept things are worse now because it goes against your globohomo liberal new world order narrative. you aren't good for us. you're sucking away our souls.

>Lived to the ripe old age of 28

KYS midwit

Capitalism just le heccin works buckerino
What are you a stupid lefty demonrat? Look at Trump, proof capitalism can work. You could be him if you picked up your bootstraps!

"Farmer" didnt exist back then, its a globohomo term designed to reduce the importance of peasantry in the country.

>1600 hours of hard back breaking labor from sunrise to sunset...
nope, 1600 hrs 52 weeks is 30hrs a week, it’s like 6hrs 5 times a week.
>doesn't include the rest of the day in which you had to gather firewood, water from a mile away, gather food if there was any
that’s the wife’s job
>every so often a famine wiped half your family
but you can just get a new wife and more kids
>one cut, one cold, one anything and you were dead
>your diet was shit poor and your health was shit poor
actually, stew was pretty awesome, also porridge, nothing was really salty (I hate salt), lots of herbs
>your liege owned your land, your ass, basically everything
so? no different to today
>you were considered inferior and had no voice in how the country was being run
yeah, sure thing we people today are not inferior…
>if the king so wished you would die, and if he so wished you were conscripted to some foreign land to die as a shit poor cannon fodder
not really, medieval times had professional soldiers and surplus youngsters were footsoldiers who volunteered
>you lived to the ripe age of 40 and half your children died of malnurishment or disease
more like 80% of your kids
>church tax
still exists
>liege tax
still exists, called rent
>this year the tax gets even higher cause your shit fuck liege needs to build a castle and fund a war to get more land , to get more shit poor peasants working to make him rich
it never went above 10%, today it’s 60%

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>things are just soo good now goy

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Take the serfdom pill

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Nothing about this changes the labor hours required to do agricultural work. You clearly have never worked a job that didn't have you just occupy space for 4 to 8 hours.

If I can’t go out to any section of bureau of land management land, build a house myself with no codes or inspections, start farming, and collecting rainwater, without anyone bothering me or arresting me, then I actually can’t do what you describe

Golly, this would never happen in olden days. Peasants were never harassed by tax collectors or officials shaking them down. This is why you never hear about peasant revolts: because they were just so happy

They worked their jobs, farm, blacksmith, whatever, then spent more time making candles, preparing food so it doesn't get wasted in spoilage, taking care of the land around their home, sharpening tools, on and on

Still better than now

They had lunch and naptimes in between that and like I said, they didn't have electricity to work into the night like people do now. They had lots of seasonal setbacks and got a lot of time off. On top of most of Europe revolving around Holy Days and time off for those too.
Early industrialism would be the worse shit. Still the same old practices of the Old World, except grinding people harder because now you had lights and warehouses to other types of work under more conditions.

>Tell me how capitalism has benefited us.
It's not supposed to benefit you. It is supposed toe benefit the Capitalism class and it does.

Did they have heat that kicked on when the bumped up the thermostat. How about going to the bathroom at 3 am when it's 10 degrees outside? Capitalism isn't the problem the problem is the same thing it always is. Selfish and corrupt humans who want to steal from the rest of us justifying it through the bullshit of civil order ie governments. Governments are where the scumbags gravitate to in order to exploit us while telling us we voted for them therefore we voted for their corrupt bullshit. Then when you throw jewry on top of governments you get the shitshow the world is today. Until making a career out of politics is banned and the work of Titus and Hitler is finished nothing is ever going to get better.

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Remember, peasant's revolts where the working class rose up against the tax collectors were good, but pogroms where the working class rose up against the Jewish tax collectors were bad, for reasons

>im offering servitude without any of the benifits that came with it in the past
>and to complete strangers you will never see or meet much less hold accountable
>its the same!

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enjoy your "progress" faggot. you asked for it.

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Lol, the entire government is stopping that from happening. At best you can pretend you're illegal and work on a farm for even more hours of labor

Only because the land was over its carrying capacity and people didn't tend to it correctly, or both. As long as you had goats, chickens and maybe a few head of cattle/horses for beasts of burden (what most migratory people had) you were set to start building a good village, doubly so if you lived near a stream or large pond for fish. Peoples staple crops were peas, wheat and various other greens (quite a few of which are considered weeds now).

Living an agrarian lifestyle and homesteading, provided you have most of the prerequisite knowledge and technical skills, is not bad at all. I would much rather be at home feeding chickens, raising goats, milling lumber and playing with my 7+kids than having to constantly be on the move.

I kind of feel bad for the retard. Some nigger jew leftist pushed the propaganda once that literal serfs had easy lives (never mind that the name of serf basically is derived from servitude) and now he whole heartedly believes that if he was a slave for a lord on his land he would be better off.

No, that's not true.
Capitalism gives a collective benefit in that a capitalist society is better at waging wars and surviving other capitalist societies attacking it.
It's a necessary evil because higher population density ALWAYS wins.

I am a union boy bro. Come work at UPS bro

Thats because the income to asset ratio for farming is dogshit.
A farmer can get $50,000 of yearly income on land that is taxed on a value of $2,500,000 in ideal conditions. Real world profit per acre is usually half, at best, of that.
Then there is the equipment that costs another $1,500,000 (minimum).

It’s all going to be owned by the oligarchs soon enough.

Yeomen did

>catholic church are jews
who could have seen this coming

Is this a joke or actual belief?

The sheer amount of seething I caused you lazy self-pitying losers is delightful. You’re white niggers who just want to mope, indulge your addictions, spend NEETbux, and blame all your problems on the system while daydrinking. It’s why I don’t support the ethnostate: way too many white subhumans who are as bad as shitskins, just like Hitler thought

Have a read of Harari's Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. They found that even the earliest farmers had malnutrition. We evolved for a hunter diet.

>your diet was shit poor and your health was shit poor
>your liege owned your land, your ass, basically everything
If you're a "serf" ( not sure of English equivalent) otherwise wrong
>you were considered inferior and had no voice in how the country was being run
Completely wrong. Nobility would barely overlook what you do and most of the time you would take decisions through assemblies of peasants

Rest is also mostly wrong. Straight out bourgeoisie propaganda. Unsurprisingly the mutt and his poor education falls for it

>i know better than you goy lol
oh okay, you know it all already

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You still are a slave, nigger. Your cage is just bigger. And you're pumped with kiked distractions to tell you it's all good.

Their time off was largely spent doing other work like collecting and preparing firewood or spending the day fixing things by hand. Before the industrial revolution the average individual made barely any value with their labor. These mystical pseudo NEETs never existed.

this one gets it


Depends on what era. Migrations era? Fuck no. Tudor era after the expulsion of the Jews? Fuck yeah. Working under a monastery in the tudor era? Double fuck yeah.


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Illegal spics ARE the modern equivalent of medieval peasants. Them and H1B pajeets who can’t quit their jobs without being deported.


You project too much, I just got home from a month long road trip vacation to national parks.

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Capitalism only a benefits the entrepreneurial class and governments. The rest are cogs in the system and they are easily placated/distracted by consumerism so the government can put the screws in.

Im here to talk about peasants any time you want to stop being mentally ill and accuse me of trying to kill you.

And so did the kulaks. But they were in the minority and always got targeted by the State

Even with some machinery, subsistence farming is ballbusting work. That being said, I’d take it over this shit.