Any Forums e-celebs

>Salty Cracker
>Black Pilled
>Alt Hype
what other politics/culture e-celebs does Any Forums recommend? I don't watch often but I like to have something to listen to on long drives.

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I like to watch that Asian dude play Super Mario Maker I don't think he's on our side politically or anything but it's a pretty comfy watch.

>that Asian dude play Super Mario Maker
id imagine there are probably billions of those

Soup. He fucks his sister chews tobaccy and doesn't afraid of anything

Painfully normie tier taste, user. Get on goyimtv.

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thanks, do they have any less political stuff? I like to watch shit like bushradical on yt and I enjoy when styx talks about gardening or rations.


I fucked raz0rfist's latina girlfriend four years ago

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Black Pigeon Speaks / Felix Rex

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Legion of Skanks is based and amusing

you forgot tim pool. hes super redpilled and based

do they name the jew? no...

Most of those people are cringe. You should just listen to Jared Taylor or William Luther pierce

alt hype very specifically names the jew, he got kicked off of youtube years ago

oh yeah i forgot about this guy, very good

If you like gaming stuff check out rwhitegoose

salty addressed and denied the JQ on stream years ago, and the thumbnail on his vid on jan. 6 said something to effect of "false flag averted", he's a grifter, racemixer, and a retard

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Literal who's

>>Salty Cracker
Salty Army... We are legions.
Eat shit commies

None of them. They're all grifting pieces of shit unless they wear a mask.

PNN America.

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