The era of the CHUD is over

Decent folx from across the country are beginning to use their second amendment rights to protect the vulnerable from genocidal bigots. This is like the Avengers, but chudpublicans are mad ofc

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Good, can't wait for the Rittenhouse 2.0, lefty version.

Kid friendly drag show used to mean something different.
Times sure are a changin.

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The one where the shooter blows off his own bicep by accident?

looks like a self defense situation to me

>10 years ago
>ranchers have armed standoff with government over their literal livelihoods
>widely denounced by most people as extreme

>gender confused and unemployable militant group takes over city streets and protect grooming with rifles
>"wow so brave, this is what the second amendment is all about!"

I'm so glad after all these years I've realized the point of the 1st and 2nd amendments aren't to say, prevent the government from restricting your movement and forcing unwanted medication on you. No, that's too extreme. But to make sure kids can put dollar bills in the women's underwear of an overweight man? Take up arms. Phenomenal.

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It’s an open carry state they aren’t doing anything illegal. They also can’t actually stop anyone from counter-protesting

>standing all in black in a straight line in broad daylight
Are these people retarded? That's exactly how you get ambushed. If a serious militia group wanted to wipe them out that would haev been the perfect time. All lined up like ducks.

who will protect the vulnerable from pedophiles and faggots

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This is why libertarians are going extinct, steve.

LMAO, even when they're holding guns they look like such pasty losers. Like I hope they don't pass out from being outside too long.

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Crime goes one way. Get with the times.

See above.

No arrests were made to a manslaughter and attempted murder.

Hahahahahahahahah. Is Portland just like a leftoid containment city or something?

FBI protecting groomers, nice

yes, FBI are recruiting Antifa members

Don't conservatives like armed guards for kids

Don’t get it twisted, this is federal law enforcement including the FBI.
“Antifa” IS the FBI

This prevalent need to raise other’s people children is what turns off any moderates. Magatards are only focus on trannies personal and public life. Yes trannies can have a public life no one lives in a closet


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Good. Get it over with already, everyone is getting tired of waiting for you civil war.
Let's see if the rednecks really outgun the globohomo goons. Let's see if the cities are really collapsing when food deliveries from flyover America stop, enough threats, let's get on with it. My popcorn is ready.

>Noooo let me spread and force my brain-damage as something that's normal and should be accepted!

No. Sorry but that's going to never happen. Mental-illness will never be accepted, no matter how hard you try.