Rei Vs Asuka is THE political question of our era Jannies fuck off!

Does Rei represent Ron Paul libertarianism? Does Asuka represents NatSoc being a German of Aryan heritage?

Who does Any Forums say is the best??

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The 3rd Solution:

I dont care about some waifu war shit

I'll take 3 Rei clones pls

Take it to Any Forums.

How about I have both?

beyond pathetic

Asuka > Rei, Rei is a clone that cannot survive without meds and shit while Asuka is a real human being.

Cultureless reddit/twitter immigrants

Asuka is a pozzed NPC who vaxxmaxxed. Literally dies fighting for ZOG being none the wiser.

Rei is Lilith, bane of jews and illluminator of souls and minds. Upended the NWO scheme to forever melt mankind into one being.

how old are you

Not politics. Been on those board since Dorner, Skeeter.

>Literally dies fighting for ZOG
She died fighting JSSDF and SEELE kikes you idiot.

I watched Eva for the first time this year. First of all, they're fucking underage. Even if they hypothetically weren't, they are both incredibly broken, insufferable people.

Rei is cuter and less of a cunt so she is clearly best girl. Asuka fags just want to be abused because they are submissive faggots.

The show is full of virtueless individuals. It's shit.

Rei is ideal. Asuka is a bitch Misato has daddy issues. Rei was the only interesting girl and relatable.

Asuka smells like dead fish, if you know what i mean

...who were fighting against ZOG faction #2.

I saw it as a story of a generation forced into a situation in which they had to compromise all traditional notions of morality in order to survive. Good show, but I didn't know how young Rei and Asuka were supposed to be. Why do so many fucking pedos watch anime?

Misato. End of debate.

They are literally 14...

misato is the Third Way, arguably the best option.
Reijews and asukapedos eternally btfoed.

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>NOOOOO my heckn good guys need to win
You idiot.

Misato probably smells really bad, based on her lifestyle and diet


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EVA is the most sophisticated anime.

>Shows what real trauma looks like
>Adults all have PTSD and act like it
>Shinji is shuffled between foster care and neglectful tutors which has made him withdrawn

If anyone liked EVA for its take on the human condition I highly recommend "oyasumi punpun" and the "the Climber" back to back.

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Yeah if you want to fuck a 14 year old, you're a fucking gross faggot. There is nothing you can say to change my mind or make me feel ashamed for thinking so. Kys.

14 is a little weird but still past puberty.

Rei is the best character, who rises above her condition through sheer Will: she's the Übermensch
but women aren't supposed to be Übermenschen, or Menschen at all, hence why Rei is not best girl, despite being best character
Asuka is best girl, because women are supposed to make you want to live, and she manages to do that to Shinji, of all people

misato is a drunk, a sloot and a pedo

Yeah I'm sure you were an Amuro Ray nuthugger.

>I saw it as a story of a generation forced into a situation in which they had to compromise all traditional notions of morality in order to survive.
Really nigga?

If you're going by this logic, Rei is the best girl because she is completely subservient, while Asuka is obsessed with becoming an ubermensch. Assuming "best girl" means best character and not which underage girl you'd rather molest.

>Lilith, bane of jews
lilith is seele's long noses dream (the tikkun olam) incarnate
in Evangelion, lilith is our moloch, ffs

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you don't fuck them on the first date
you groom them a bit and have them when they're older
what's wrong with you?

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Is it that weird user? Girl start puberty at 11 I think 14 AOC is reasonable most countries except for the USA allow it.

AOC is 16 here so its not a big deal just wait 2 years

Just admit you want to be abused by a women because you are a faggot that enjoys cunt attitudes

Today I will remind them.

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16 is reasonable. Until the AOC, children belong to their parents. Any adult who tries to go around a child's parents to get sex or anything else out of them is a gross faggot who should be exiled from the village and/or killed.

It was revealed to me by a divine revelation that misato was best girl. She eats goyslop like us westerners do, and is thus an honorary white. Misato is my wife (though she doesnt know it yet!)

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Misato is the Jeb! of Evangelion.

Her breath and BO are likely unbearable. A show about a dying world is not a source of waifus.

Fucking hell I literally only just realized their hair and eye colors are the inverse of each other I feel like a giant idiot