What are the brits going to do when the power goes out this winter?


Attached: HailBritiana.webm (576x1024, 2.79M)

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Request machine guns from america

What in the fuck is happening here? Imagine the smell!

No lube when they let the rapefugee gets on them, more friction heat going in dry

I think it's a simulation of what Helsinki will look like in 10 years

its a carnaval but obviously too many people are in the streets

Britain is hella diverse now! This is a good thing.

where and what is this? black boat people fleeing great britain?

We'll just invade the ukraine and take back everything they stole

>99% brown
>1% mixed

Cultural enrichment

Attached: braap.jpg (645x773, 30.49K)

Only legal for fictional Ukraine wars.

Gotta love that diversity. The one thing this world needs that it doesn't have enough of is more africans. They are the most wonderful people. So helpful and kind and hard working. What a beautiful place. The UK gets it.

Attached: bomb-tnt.gif (300x224, 1.62M)

Anyone got that webm of a London family fleeing their country due to war and the parents get killed off and it's just their girl and her sister or something cause that should see some reuse this winter

>ethnic cuisine

Lol on vittun itäkeskus.

Like some kind of nigger carnival? A afro Caribbean cultural thing or are there actually this many groids in London these days?

it used to be a little festivle with a couple thousand jamaicans now every wog goes and we have been importing a lot as you can see

Is Travis Scott performing over there?

jesus fucking christ
it's fucking over
this many niggers
we're DONE


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It's kind of funny how the cacophony of a thousand black voices at once has a slight British accent

that's how diversity works and if you say otherwise you will be arrested

Wow once a year every nog in London gathers in the same spot... Oh man I sure hope no terrible accident happens there...

umm... wtf are they doing?

Attached: too_fat_to_be_true.jpg (785x847, 141.1K)

Way to import africa

no it wasn't

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napalm would be cool

Street carnival