There are jews on pol who NEED to dissuade you from libertarianism and they will kvetch in this thread.

Libertarianism advocates small government that you voluntarily associate with. Also for a debt-free currency that bears no usury and cannot be inflated. This is how the jew control society - through INFLATION.

Yes - there are jewish libertarians, so inb4 that standard pic gets posted of all the "jewish libertarians";
1) Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman were not libertarians.
2) Jews don't want to be jewed either.

Why would jews want goyim thinking about voluntary association? How does that fit into the jew agenda? What about no usury? And debt free currency? How can the jew exploit these things? There is NO WAY jews would want goyim thinking about usury free currency and voluntary association with government and business.

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NatSoc is a Khazar front for ZIONISM

Anyone mentioning WW2 without mentioning ((( CENTRAL BANKING ))) is a kike

Hitler was a Rothchild and a zionist. He sent kikes out of Germany with the Havarra agreement and any jews that didnt go were killed BECAUSE THEY WERE ANTI-ZIONIST. The kikes that went were ZIONIST.

Orthodox jews are waiting for the messiah to re-establish Israel and Rothchild and Lord Balfour were not the messiah.



Hitler was a Zionist and paved the way for the re-establishment of Israel.
All natsocs on pol are kikes just using white nationalism to get you back on the plantation. The plantation (((they))) own. They know there will never be a holocaust given they own the media and have enough people watching and believing their shit.

Now Any mention of anything remotely redpilled is associated with Nazism. If you ask for redpills, you just get a fuckton of “hitler did nothing wrong", like thats the only topic associated with redpills.

Im saying NatSoc is part of the kike plan. They are literally kikes. The queen is literally German and has been photographed being taught the Hitler/Roman salute by her parents.

The Balfour Declaration was a British thing and Britain occupied Palestine at the time and the war gave a reason to enact the Balfour declaration.

The Havarra agreement was the German plan to send kikes "back" to Israel.

Its all a plan thats been in effect for centuries. Now we can no longer openly advocate anything rightwing because its all associated with nazism. Only the globohomo agenda is accepted.

Hitler killed more whites than anyone and destroyed europe which enabled this debt based monetary system that we have today and there never was a Shoah. If any jews did die, they were orthodox because the lefty zionist kikes were encouraged to fuck off back to Israel with the Havarra agreement.

This was all planned for centuries.

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How would you enforce the NAP?

Dont associate with anyone who doesnt recognise the NAP

>Hitler was a kike asset
Then why did the Jews want revenge?

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Yeah, national socialism is something the jews can in theory use to their advantage, like we see currently in ukraine (not that russia is any better)

I get the impression China is pushing that narrative mostly though, just feels like something they'd do

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>Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman were not libertarians.
Elaborate, please. Either way, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them being or not being libertarians.

Yeah but its anarchy how would you know do you get a lience to kill or something?

cope harder

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you're right about libertarianism, but hitler literally did nothing wrong, the fact he fought for our people really is a redpill, and you're going into actual schizo territory claiming he was a plant

So like if someone walks with in 100 feet of my yard i can shoot them with whatever with no concerns
Sounds based but who the fucks gonna follow it what if people start running around raping and killing people on a whim i guess you could just shoot them though.

Maybe it was just an enormous insurance fraud lol

And they all fought against the jewry we are experiencing today.
But you can stick to Hoppe if you don't like them.

OP from last thread here, I don’t endorse this thread because ancaps are retarded faggots.

whats the libertarian answer to kikes poisoning white children physically, mentally and spiritually?
are they allowed to do it because they have the capital for it?

Kek, wouldn't put it past them.

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>Here, there were kikes who like liberty
Wtf i hate freedom now, brb paying my taxes to a socialist state

The kevtching shills sure are quick

well said
the tragedy is that most people, even here, dont understand economics

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NAP, obviously they're not allowed to, they would need to explain thoroughly the consequences of eating goyslop etc, and in a libertarian society, it would be easy to keep your child away from media influence you do no approve of through homeschooling etc

Self defense. Simple as.

the police?
libertarianism isnt anarchy, gaynigger

WW2 destroyed Europe. This was the goal aside from Israel 2.0.

There is also a quote about jews destroying until they have a world of their own. I cant find it tho

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libertarianism is jewish. it is a ideology of grifters.

>Implying liberalism isn't the cause of 99.9% of all problems in the modern world.

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They don't believe in Police though.
Sheriffs and private police forces yes, State Police, no.

>Yes - there are jewish libertarians, so inb4 that standard pic gets posted of all the "jewish libertarians";
>1) Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman were not libertarians.
>2) Jews don't want to be jewed either.

I already addressed this is the OP

The self defense principle

retard, globohomo only is allowed to exist because it is enforced by the state.
The state forces association and prevents discrimination

libertarianism is how they weakened the right wing the past few decades.


Just for the sake of argument
Libertarian government would cement the powerful that currently run the country.
Thus, eternal Jewish control. (assuming that exists)
Plus, more immigration.
>Gary Johnson, "I want to see two trucks pass each other at 60 mph on the border. That's my immigration policy."

The most basic of redpills

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Ancaps believe in private police, not libertarians
Ancaps are not libertarian, anarchy is what the AN stands for

>WW2 destroyed Europe. This was the goal aside from Israel 2.0.
So if they completed their goal, then why did they take out revenge against the Germans?

freedom of association and property rights are all you need.

>Jew wants to shop at your store
Just say no

>Gays want you to bake the cake
Just say no

>Zogbot judge sent pigs to rob you for not baking the cake?
Shoot them back

money=power. the most powerful will just kill your NAP.

Yes, but Libertarians don't believe in Police either as they are unconstitutional.
Sheriffs are constitutional though.

How does libertarianism establish the jew world order?

ie global communism

NAP is just a way to avoid dogma
after we abolish dogma yes money is morality

Libertarians spreading COINTELPRO conspiracies against nazism. This is why you're getting lined up against the wall FIRST, before the leftists because you're even more subversive and poisonous than all of them combined.

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libertarianism gives powerful and wealthy people unlimited rights. The lower classes are at the behest of the powerful because of consumerism.

Yes, and globohomo has infinite money due to central banking



There are jews on pol who NEED to dissuade you from libertarianism and they will kvetch in this thread.

Libertarianism advocates small government that you voluntarily associate with. Also for a debt-free currency that bears no usury and cannot be inflated. This is how the jew control society - through INFLATION.

Yes - there are jewish libertarians, so inb4 that standard pic gets posted of all the "jewish libertarians";
1) Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman were not libertarians.
2) Jews don't want to be jewed either.

Why would jews want goyim thinking about voluntary association? How does that fit into the jew agenda? What about no usury? And debt free currency? How can the jew exploit these things? There is NO WAY jews would want goyim thinking about usury free currency and voluntary association with government and business.

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>they would need to explain thoroughly the consequences of eating goyslop
How are you going to compel them to do that?
How are you going to counter the army of kike lobbying and "experts"?
>and in a libertarian society, it would be easy to keep your child away from media influence you do no approve of through homeschooling
You can homeschool them right now. What are you going to do when schlomo shekestein moves into your neighborhood with his billions of dollars, buys all businesses and utility services and enforces a goyslop only policy?
Move out of the neighborhood?

>globohomo only is allowed to exist because it is enforced by the state
And if the state can be bought through capital, its going to slow down the spread of globohomo?

>inb4 libertarians are pedos
Epstein and Jimmy Savile were not libertarians. Name one libertarian who was a pedo.

>inb4 open boarders
If you don't want foreigners in your community, don't associate with them. A foreigner coming into a libertarian society will be at a disadvantage. They will not speak the language or understand the culture, so will not manage. Libertarianism encourages people to stay in their communities because they are in an environment they can associate with directly. We have mass immigration happening now and this happens because of socialist policy, not because we are libertarian nations.

>Inb4 monopolies
"We will get a jewish owned monopolies in every industry and we will get jewed in the same way".
This is precicely what is happening today and we are not living with libertarian policies.

>inb4 Libertarians are divided and conquered
A hierarchy is what gets jewed. Authoritarianism is what gets jewed. If individuals are deciding what they associate with, they are protected from getting jewed en masse. We are more divided now than ever before and we are getting jewed on every level.


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money=power. libertarianism gives grifters and elites unlimited power.

>You believe X
Nah, we believe in a limited police force, and that if they break the law, you should be able to shoot them to death to defend yourself, or set a fried tendie trap for ATF niggers so they fall into pungi sticks while you laugh from the comfort of your home

Hitler was a Zionist, he just wanted to move them to Madagascar instead of Palestine; so they stabbed him in the back once they found a new host (USA).

There are several frameworks, it would be too much to write here though.
There's pretty much everything between "make it too expensive to attack because of a common agreement not to trade with aggressors", "shoot them" and "have several packs of merceneries that enforce laws together with private courts that rely on their reputation and have to be chosen by both parties to act neutral, if party A does not accept the ruling everyone has the right to attack them and take their stuff".
Actually it's kinda funny that several of the models are similiar to small minimal states that you are free to leave anytime and where an actual democracy and meritocraty is exerted.
The only thing liberatrians can agree upon is that they cannot agree on a common framework though. But that's pretty much the definition of anarchy and therefore anarchocapitalism I guess.
The most common idea is that through trial and error the best system will be established in the long run, but everybody has the same chances.
If you are really interested in the ideas you have to read several books and will still only grasp like half of what the ideology contains.

>before the leftists

pure evil

ALL of Europe was destroyed

all you have to do is show the people that there is no WE
the state is not them
after the people (you) recognize the state as not you, you automatically will become ancap

the more people recognize the state as not them the more the state will hate to lean on the dogmatic sheep

the more those sheep will be oppress the more they will want out

the less the state will have, and eventually it will be abolished

it is inevitable

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libertarianism simply means the ideal of liberty
the least libertarian society would be china, half way would maybe be europe, and almost all the way would be early america, that doesnt mean the founding fathers got everything right

so it exists on a spectrum, the cut off point for not being a libertarian is do you believe in private property rights? if not you're not in any sense of the word libertarian

Fiat currency is not money.
Its the opposite in fact

and what the elites and jews want more than anything is to do away with laws and borders restricting them. not you tho they want you to live in smart cities where they control all your actions.

in other words the closer you get to full natural rights the more libertarian you are

if you allow wealth and/or influence to accumulate as part of your "ideology", anarchism's very reason for being is defeated and you may just as well sit down and shut up right where you are at this moment rather than trying (hopelessly) to push through some bullshit revolution, along with all its revolutionary horrors, which would only set the stage for yet another round of sociopolitical snowballing
if the black flag is tainted with piss or blood, throw it in the trash and get a new one

Yes, but that is moreso Anarcho-Capitalism.
Libertarianism also believes in Sheriffs and their Deputies.

>Nah, we believe in a limited police force,
Nigger I went to the CATO institute

value is the most honest of morality systems

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Libertarianism is completely jewish

In total anarchy, then sure. But nothing is stopping the family of the person who you shot to come and skin and eat you. Anarchy would work 100% if it was a white culture. The problem is that they are breeding a population that cannot live morally.

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>Gary Johnson, "I want to see two trucks pass each other at 60 mph on the border. That's my immigration policy."

The question will be, if immigration without gibs would really be as bad as todays immigration, or if only the hardworking would come. Also it would be legal for you to shoot criminals.

I guess most libertarians just think that immigration and welfare together will escalate and that you can only have one of them or use it for your own people exclusively.

So why did the Jews want revenge after that if their goal was completed?

Jew buys property around your store, drives its price down by importing endless niggers and then "offers" to buy off such a liable property off your hands at a "generous" price
>you refuse
the jew buys the local electricity distributor and raises the rates for you specifically so that you are priced out of business. Now you are in debt to the jew, cannot operate until arbitration is concluded and are getting more and more in the red every day.
Whats the solution now?
This isn't a fictional scenario either. This is how jews have operated historically.

what a stupid reply. property, money whatever you want to call it gives a person power. Those who wield power can do whatever they want. The non powerful are the consumer he is beholden to the powerful producer who can control the consumer as he sees fit.

This is an excerpt from an interview Adolf Hitler did in 1923 with George Viereck (friend of Nicola Tesla, fun fact) – The Fuhrer speaks on the difference between Marxism and Socialism:

“Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal (‘weal’ means well-being). Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.”

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I am generalizing about libertarianism.

Stupidest fucking comment I ever read rabbi

Libertarians advocate for removing barriers to small business and industry, more competition means less power for jews
>how are the police going to enforce laws
pew, pew
>how can you defeat the horror of free speech
by disagreeing with them, with the safety and knowledge that you cannot be harmed for doing so
>with little regulation stopping people from making their home a restaurant, somehow a jew is going to make everyone eat the bugs
Are these real questions?

Indeed, tis all good.
Ancaps and Libertarians are pretty much in the same club

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Libertarianism has the strictest view of borders of any philosophy
If someone enters the borders of your property without perimission libertarianism says you have the right to use any amount of force to stop them, obviously this expands to towns, counties, nations etc who have voluntarily agreed certain rules for border (or large scale private property community) enforcement

>And if the state can be bought through capital, its going to slow down the spread of globohomo?
Bro what the fuck are you on about? The State is bad regardless of who holds the reigns.

That doesn’t make sense, I recognize the state is not me and I still have not become a 70 IQ retard.

The kikes already control the borders, as they control your government.

The state forces you to bake the cake and pay for shaniqua at gunpoint.

A libertarian society (or just a normal society close enough to libertarianism in order to have the freedom to descriminate) allows you to hang a sing saying "NO BLACKS" in your doorstep, mall or whatever

You need freedom to have borders

Does a grifter not hoard money and things? Does a video whore not have power over simps? You can get power though honest or dishonest means. But in the result will be power and influence everytime. The libertarian is amoral or doesn't understand morality. His mind is a kike's mind.

>my socialism is the one true socialism
where have I heard this before

Oh look, they let that Jewish pill popping wannabe sister fucker out of the asylum.

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>>how are the police going to enforce laws
What makes you think the police is going to enforce laws in your favor and not in the interests of schlomo shekelstein? Do you have the capital to match the trillions shekelstein has?
>>how can you defeat the horror of free speech
Speech is defined as whatever shekelstein says because he has the money to dictate policies.

Some sociallistfag made this meme.
Libertarians are pretty much about defense of property rights and even revenge.
That's pretty similiar to the american saying "an armed society is a polite society".

All libertarian thinkers are jews, you are basically shabbos goy if you are a libertarian, there are many rabbis who are libertarians btw but zero white nationalist rabbis

>Describes what happens today thanks to state backed jews