Poland talk thread

Why do you hate my country, /pol?
Can you explain that?

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I'm proud to be Polish!

Cause you hate mine.

stay in Moscow and we are cool

polska gurom

You are under arrest for being faggots. STEP BACK AWAY FROM TEXT INPUT DEVICES.

We dont hate Russian people,your government sucks.

Gods...I hate Poles. My great-grandfather hated them too, even before they put out his eyes.

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All i hear from polacks for 25 years is rissians are subhumans and should die... no, soon we shouls pay you gorillion dollars, then give you all our lands and then die. Also you always acting like a dog, which one happy to die to please an american masters, pretty disgusting. Ah yes, you are poorest shithole in EU and you live better then our shithole only because Germany pay for you, but you always proud like its your own achivment. I wonder why i dont like you.

Cześć i Chwala bohaterom. Jeszcze Polska będzie istnieć od morza do morza.

And anyone who raises his hand against the sacred Polish state is guaranteed that this hand will be cut off at the asshole itself.

I don't care about this shithole

Because your flag are stupid. No symbol, just 2 colour. Look at usa flag, uk flag, german flag. What is the meaning of white and red anyway. White Communism?

Because on one hand we hate subhumans and on the other we invite millions of hohols into our country.
Ukrainians hate us and we pay for their children.

Nah,polish gdp growth was one of the biggest in eastern europe before joining EU.
I dont think Russians are subhumans,your government is :)

I love your country Polishbro. Right now it’s my number one place to escape to when shit hits the fan in Western Europe. I love going to Poland and spending time in nature, hearing deer mating calls instead of screaming Somalians

Poland was always an issue in any power projection in Europe, be it Russia, Germany, France or whatever Poland was never a good thing for any of them and was always planned to be destroyed as independent entity. Euros never were, are not and never will be our allies no matter how much cucks here try to talk to themselves how much euro we are. Poland was like of few countries in the whole Europe that never practiced any genocidal politics against enemies and never practiced racial superiority which is already a fucking error in the system when you look at other euro countries and their past. The core of Polish politics was always to undermine Russia/Western Europe as much as possible and it happens to be that muriacans play their global powerplay game and some proxie Poland right between Germany/Russia is a perfect spot to prevent continental Europe from getting into some power deal with Russia. That's why literally everyone seethes about us, because we are in the way of everyone besides atlantic schizos in US.

>same colors but reversed
Is this a joke? xD

>Why do you hate my country, /pol?
I don't. Others hate you because you are all butthurt and annoying posters. The same reason they hate Romanians.

>butthurt annoying posters
I think we are the most chill posters in this board,Rom bro

Poland and Russia had good relationship then Putin fucked it up unilaterally and willingly after accusing Poland of starting WW2

My relatives survived Volyn.

Oh yeah, a lot of nature in Poland.


This country is filled with braindead retards, literal children who fall for muh fee-fees just as much as people in the West when they're shown pictures of nigger kids fleeing war.

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