I am a libertarian

I am a libertarian.
I will never not be a libertarian. Nothing you could ever say would change my mind.
This isn’t because your arguments are incorrect, it’s because your axioms are wrong. I fully understand the folly of my morals, and I don’t care.
What I scare about is that you don’t understand e folly of your morals, that you would cede autonomy to a collective in the absolutely asinine hope that the collective would miraculously adhere to your own values, despite an absolutely soul-crushing amount of evidence to the contrary.

I understand more than anyone that I can’t convince you that libertarianism is a winning strategy when it comes to maintaining a society worth living in. I hope to at least open your mind to the fact that libertarian ideals are the only ideals that will ever, EVER produce a society that is briefly tolerable for people who are not complete NPCs.

I have no emotional stake in this claim. I imagine no magical future libertarian utopia that will thrust humanity toward its’ ultimate destiny. I don’t even have delusions of seeing a future more free than the dystopia we share now. I simply know that no matter how long after I die, libertarianism “wins”, quite briefly; then we slide towards totalitarianism until it becomes intolerable once more.

I actually matter, in some tremendously minuscule way. You do not, at all. You have wild fantasies of establishing some vaguely less gay totalitarian dystopia that is just as disgusting to 90% of humanity as the slightly more gay totalitarian dystopia the left wants to implement.
What you both have in common is a deep, possibly genetically rooted, desire to be dominated by authority. The only difference between any flavor of non-libertarian is what flavor of boot they desperately crave to press down upon their neck.

You all sicken me on a primal level. You are all cowards fleeing from the inevitable fate of the Free Man, which is death at the hand of oppressors.

Character limit

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hi fren

hey man thanks for this I've been trying to articulate this myself.
I'll probably die in the coming NWO but I don't care anymore. I'll take out as many commies as I can before I go.
Fuck this gay earth. live free or die nigga

>haha your a terrorist according to the fbi

cool, gud4u

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You disgust me. You are oppressors-in-waiting with no capability to actually achieve your goals, all you serve to do is become enforcers of those who not just have the capability, but also insane amounts of random luck to become the dictators who will determine your fate.

You will become subject and enforcer to a quasi-tolerable totalitarian system (which, may I remind you, we have now. And had before. And before that. And it just keeps getting worse and more totalitarian)
You will inevitably become me, or a horrid shadow of yourself as you flow along with the insane dictates of fewer and fewer people who never had any business in leadership to begin with.
You will slowly be squeezed into more and more compromising positions with further and further increasing stakes until you, just like me, find yourself in a position where your only choice is to either become the part of a despicable, tortuous, soul-crushing machine or fight against it.

This is inevitable. It WILL happen, no matter what your personal ideology or moral stance is. You WILL be forced to choose between what you value and your own life.

Please, i fucking beg you. Choose now. It is better that your blood slowly rust the gears of this intolerable machine rather than your slobbering mouth lubricate it’s endless progression.

Please, accept your responsibility to be a free man.

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>your a terrorist according to the fbi
I literally couldn’t look in the mirror if I weren’t.
You disgust me.

I fucking hate you all so much it is unreal.

You have all become exactly what the kikes wanted you to be. Know that your penultimate enemy will be people who would rather die than submit to your kike masters, while you submit to your kikemasters in fear of death.

You lose. Every time. That never changes, it just becomes worse every time.

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Define libertarian, are you talking limited government with explicit powers or full blown ancap?

At least I won’t die alone
> hey man thanks for this I've been trying to articulate this myself
I really can’t express how happy I am to read this.
Im not crying, you are crying; faggot.

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Ancaps aren’t libertarian. Libertarians aren’t ancap.
The reason you are confused is because of kike tricks.

If you don’t support strong borders, you are not libertarian.
If you oppose any degree of military, you are not libertarian.
And yes, if you fully oppose any taxes, you are not libertarian.

Libertarianism is that the highest ideal to be served by society and the government is the individual sovereignty of man. This inevitably requires sacrifices, but those sacrifices must be in pursuit of those ideals.

Your borders protect your citizens.
Your army protects your borders
Your taxes protect your army

We are not anti-state, we are pro-citizen.

5mins come on nigger.
I'm not asking you to do anything more except to define what you mean by libertarian. Political words are loaded and Americans have little idea what a liberal actually is let's alone a libertarian.


Fucking Zoomers and your inability to wait for fucking anything.

Your country is a fucking larp, you have gun ownership and still pay taxes, your gun rights will be infringed, you will pay more tax. There are no libertarians in America anymore, you took the great anglo-saxon traditions of individual sovereignty and took them to their ultimate conclusion and in the bliss rolled over for the kike.

Then we are in agreement, government is evil but necessary. This it need be severely and explicitly limited in its powers and purview.

Also I am not at all confused between ancap and libertarian but niggers on Any Forums conflate the two, so it helps to clarify.

Once your soul is set on fire you cant put it out
Self defence and non-aggression are eternal, heavenly principles

Shut up bong, you've been kiked since Waterloo. You should check your shit posting loisence to make sure you are cleared for that post, then pay your fee fees to the relevant regulatory body for being a faggot on the internet.

have fun burning each other's hair for warmth this winter you dumbfuck

> your gun rights will be infringed
No. Im certain most of my fellow Americans will have their gun rights infringed. That is probably inevitable. Hell, mine were infringed before I was born, but that is hardly my fault.

Going forward, my gun rights will not be infringed alongside my fellow Americans. That is what makes me different.

I do pity you though. I want to be very clear that you will die, and we will not be coming to save you. You will be dead long before we are even threatened.
Your fight will be so much more difficult than mine, and I deeply regret your fate.
That said, I hope you can take what I said before to heart:
> It is better that your blood slowly rust the gears of this intolerable machine rather than your slobbering mouth lubricate it’s endless progression.

Don’t become something that benefits the machine you hate. You may not have guns, but you do not need them to die as a free man.

Im not going to pretend the American constitution is perfect, but good luck finding something better.

All of our problems are exclusively from unconstitutional endeavors.

I haven't claimed my country isn't kiked, as sad as I am for mine, as a libertarian I'm depressed America has given up everything I could ever politically dream for.

Also go get your mandatory vax you fucking drongo, once a prison colony always a prison colony.

Not your enemy. He is frustrated from his perceived lack of agency and a misguided hope that America will come and save him.

No more brother wars. We may not be willing to charge upon our enemies with no hope, but we should at least be able to identify our enemies.
A coward is never an enemy, they are a pitiable victim of this awful system.

I hope what you say is true about your gun rights. But I am already dismayed by what my forefathers have done, like Hitchens says Britain has been dead for a long time now and exists only as an idea.

Come here now.
You may not even have two weeks left,
Anyone who hopes to have a sliver of a fraction of a chance to survive what is coming should move to America immediately.

Just fly to Tijuana and walk across the border. You can get a free bus ticket wherever you want.

the version of america you think exists only exists in a few incredibly corrupt cities.
and he is right. we aren't going to save you this time. have fun.

>I actually matter, in some tremendously minuscule way. You do not, at all.
lol, lmao even
Shut up low IQ, narcissistic fag.

It’s not funny. You have learned hate for your fellow free man from the kike.

Unlearn it or suffer the worst of fates.

>Prison colony
There were 6 colonies not all were convict colonies. Mine is a free colony planned by a child stealing pedo, none the less it was a free colony. Also.the pedo never made it here, he was a Bong became a Canadian parliamentarian and died in New Zealand.

Send this man an IRS inspector.

Oh it’s true. I am a a one man army.

The problem is it takes a hell of a lot of one man armies to take on, you know, an actual army.

I know for a fact I can take at least one glownigger with me. Just one for sure.
Enough people like me and freedom wins.


I'm not hoping for salvation I don't believe anyone be that America even is capable of saving Britain, nor that Britain exists anymore to be saved, and further more what does exist is worth saving.
I cannot leave however I am in love with this country, I'll go down with the ship. I'll be alright though I'm fortunate enough to have a stable well paying job and to own property.
Sounds jewish.

You got a license for that cope?

> the pedo never made it here, he was a Bong became a Canadian parliamentarian and died in New Zealand
I want to believe but it’s too funny.

Not reading your blog
Must be 18 to post here