It's gonna be hypocritical gold. Archives and archives of

>if you're vaccinated you won't get covid

Holy fuckin shit. Tucker is gonna have a field day with all the footage of these idiots forcing the Jew Juice down our throats.

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Don’t forget…

“Now that I’m vaccinated, I feel that the epidemic is over for me. This is now the epidemic of the unvaccinated.”

Scott Adams, once famous cartoonist, now serial divorcée.

Trump intended to use the soldiers brought home from Afghanistan to go door to door and forcibly inject everyone with the vexx.

I don't know his logic, but I suspect it had something to do with "if everyone is dead then none can blame me"

Fuck trump

But Trump never did that did he? He left it up to us. It's your choice. He never mandated it for any institution or industry. He fucked up by supporting the jab. That's about it.

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imagine the number of think tanks and marketing teams already working on it
>The Trumpocalypse
>The Orange Juice
>Liquid Drumpf

The msm is going to talk shit about trump for all of 2023.
They are going to try to do the whole 2015 thing again, and retards like nick fuentez and the whole gay zoomersquad too young to even remember 2015 are going to fall for it thinking they are 4D chessing the jews, while being 4D chessed by jews.

trump did warpspeed the vaccine program
so if shit goes tits up you bet your ass he will be the one who will get crucified for it.

>But Trump never did that did he?
doesn't matter what you think happened, they already told you "we live in a post-truth world (because Drumpf is a liar)" .

>The Orange Juice

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Please god let this be true, it would by the most entertaining happening to ever happen.

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He wasn't going to leave it up to us, that's all that matters.
He had every intention of using the military to forcibly inject everyone and he backed down only because people openly were planning to kill anyone trying to forcibly inject them.
I'm convinced of trump won 2020 he would have proceeded with mandates and military deployment.
I've been on a watch list and by fop all over town because of my patriotism. They are literally studying antivexxers, building databases of their contacts and patterns, and will probably try with a mandate as soon as they feel they can arrest you or kill you during your brunch.

We're not out of the woods yet, things are really about to get juicy.

>Agent Orange

Trump is scared of the far left, he is the one who put the mask mandate and vaccine mandate in after all the fags cried about it. he caved into their demands and to blm.

imagine hordes of this seething that they are going to die because YOU voted for Drumpf the destroyer of worlds.
i'm not sure i would want to be around them - the Rwanda genocide is going to look like a little baby compared to this.

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>He wasn't going to leave it up to us, that's all that matters.
>He had every intention of using the military to forcibly inject everyone and he backed down only because people openly were planning to kill anyone trying to forcibly inject them.
>I'm convinced of trump won 2020 he would have proceeded with mandates and military deployment.
no, if Trump won 2020, all the MAGA boomers would be vaxxed up and trying to mandate it on the bernie bros
it would be the same exact shit, but opposite sides
Trump wouldn't even call in military when they were setting fire to apartments with people sleeping in them and then blocking fire trucks from reaching the scene
Using force isn't his MO, he's a real limp dick in that dept

Here's a spicy take, the executives at big pharma intentionally sold Trump a defective product knowing the liberal media would then eventually blame him for it.

If you goto clinicaltrials.gov and type mRNA and Zika you'll find that they already tried this in concept in humans in South America going back to 2012. Why then didn't you ever hear about it? Because it didn't work then either.


>I'm convinced of trump won 2020 he would have proceeded with mandates and military deployment.
nah, he was coerced into going along with the hoax. i remember him changing tunes progressively because it would have made him look crazy to against muzzle cattle and all MSM

Macaroni is our savior. I knew milf lovers are the good guys in the upcoming war

And cuck. I feel like he is the biggest cuck in the world.

>killing 5 billion people because muh drumpf and 2024 elections
yeah no, that's a bit much

Trump, For a nationalist he sure sides with global oligarchs, indirectly, more closely when it comes important affairs

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