20 years later

Why did the biggest global peace protests fail?

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Peace is not profitable

Because Republicans George Bush and Dick Cheney were hell bent on invading the middle east to spread "democracy".

probably because it was controlled opposition like most anti-government things in the last century
look into how the anti-vietnam war protests were controlled opposition, shit prob got worse since then

protests only work if the government allows them to work

Back when liberals had a clue. Now they’re poisoned, brainwashed and drugged cucks.

Anti-Vietnam war protests did influence Nixon, but LBJ didn't seem to care. Was Bush inspired by LBJ?

Because "global peace" is a western leftoid slogan that is entirely founded on a fundamental ignorance of world politics, geopolitics, economy and history. When you mentally mature enough, you naturally come to the conclusion that the only thing preventing the nigger to take your TV is what gun you have and how good you are with it.

The world IS the nigger.

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Because to Democrats, the "peace protests" were just a way to win political races and get donations.

As soon as Obama won, Democrats doubled the wars, and all Peace Protests ceased.

I had many conversations with former protestors. When I'd bring it up they'd all say "that's racist" and "no we aren't still in Iraq".

That's when I truly learned that these people were mindless drones.

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the jews use false flag terrorism to herd the populace towards their agenda

they originally asked einstein to help them with the israeli ethnostate and he rejected them on the grounds that israel was founded using terrorism and maintains control that way

Because of the biggest global (as in 'western') pro war propaganda campaign.

Because you're not in a democracy

War is a racket of phoney endeavour

>Democrats doubled the wars
This is simply not true.

Attached: war deaths.jpg (1440x755, 73.32K)

Democrats even turned the idea of a "peace protest" into War itself: The Arab Spring

Also, used very similar methods with Ukraine now btw. All the same social media shit.

protests are a mechanism by way consent is manufactured. If said protest is not backed by the elites it will fail, simpel as.

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What the fuck are you talking about? You lying Jews lies about everything.

Obama took us from 4 wars to 8: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya (assassinated the leader), and "random" other countries under the "influence" of ISIS/ISIL/AL Queda.

Fuck off faggot warmongering kike.

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Peace keeping operations are war faggot just ask the retarded cannon fodder you keep putting in every third world nation.

>Assume I'm Jewish
Consider you might be wrong