ATTENTION: Telegram psyop incoming??

> Today telegram send me and allot of other people this message.

But not everyone with a german phone number got this message!!!!


Attached: Screenshot_20220830_122316.png (541x937, 120.06K)


Attached: Screenshot_20220830_122516.png (529x300, 34.71K)

I am too lazy to plug that into yandex image translate.

We, the Telegram team, ask you to give us your opinion on how the data of German Telegram users may (or may not) be shared with German authorities, including the German police (BKA).

Telegram never shares information about your chats or contacts with third parties, including government agencies.

Nevertheless, to prevent misuse of our platform by terrorist groups, our current privacy policy since 2018 allows us to disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of terrorist suspects upon government request backed by a court order.

We're conducting this poll to find out if our German users support our current privacy policy or if they want to reduce or increase the number of cases where Telegram can potentially share data with authorities. We are providing three options to choose from.

OPTION 1: No changes. Telegram may continue to share IP addresses and phone numbers of terror suspects only based on a court decision. This option is already included in Telegram's current privacy policy.

OPTION 2: Upon request by German police authorities, Telegram may disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of suspects of serious crimes, even if not supported by a court decision. This option, if approved, would be completely new for Telegram and therefore requires a change to our privacy policy for users from Germany.

OPTION 3: Under no circumstances may Telegram share user information, including IP addresses and phone numbers of terror suspects. If this option is supported, Telegram will change its data structure and privacy policy for users from Germany.

Only users registered with German phone numbers can participate in the survey below. We have informed all Telegram users in Germany about this survey. The poll will remain open until September 5, 12:00 pm German time (UTC+2).

What information should Telegram share with German authorities, such as the German police (BKA)?

You are fucked. If you have to login into telegram by phone number then you are dumb as fuck

1. IP addresses and phone numbers of terror suspects.
Only with a court order.

2. IP addresses and phone numbers of suspects of serious criminal offenses. Without court order.

3. no data, with or without court order.

I abstain / am not from Germany.

what does your picture say you nazi fuck?

Translated message

Translated poll

Option 3 even a no vax is considered a terrorist man

I picked this option. But I have allot of german friends, and they didn't get this message!!!
Even though apparently every german phone number should have gotten it.

I think only people on some watch list that I seem to be on got this message!!!

Bump you stupid niggers


37% option 3
41% option 1

Will pol save the day?

Attached: Screenshot_20220830-124406_Telegram.jpg (1217x1207, 433.04K)

Can you link to the poll & if you didn't get the poll text but you still have a german number can you still vote in the poll?

I automatically got the message in a dm from the official telegram account. I don't know if you can vote if you didn't get it.

You can message the telegram service chat and request the poll! They will then send you the message I got.

A friend did this

Like it directly sends you the poll in the chat and you tap a option.


Do this!!

Attached: photo_2022-08-30_12-52-29.jpg (623x1280, 173.19K)

They put three options with 1 pro spying option and 2 anti spying one to split the vote and make option one win.
Manipulation 101

Gut gedeutscht, Murat

Bump this up!!!


Bump!!!!!!! Niggers

I was wondering the same. Psyop incoming, because German government wants to shut down all upcoming riots.



YES They are gathering accounts from the opposition!

Probably an A/B test, could be to random users or different categories of users. It's never everybody, but it might be sent out in waves and you're in the first one. The category could be anything from your post history to your operating system or even your street address.

Maybe it was only sent to people that actually have a lot of data on file, or who are directly implicated in some request for data. Maybe just to long-time or very active users who they trust more. You really can't know.



It's also telling you to use a non-german number to register with them if you are a German terrorist. Telegram are generally anti-censorship. They just gave you a loophole.