AI replacing artists?

Seen this thread: what do you think?

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I wonder what's up with this:
Zuck renamed company from Facebook to Meta and invested tens of billions of $ and graphics rn are at '90s level, what is his plan?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 13-02-12 Zuckerberg backtracks after Horizon Worlds backlash claims Meta is 'capable of much more'.png (1833x1355, 1.65M)

As someone who is a professional digital/traditional artist
(I make around $75k a year)

First of all, all jobs are going to be taken by ai/robots in the far? future, including surgeons, lawyers, sex work. Anything a human can do robots/AI can do it better. It just happens to be that any job that doesn't require a physical presence will be replaced first.

These current generation art AIs work off pre-existing databases and structures, all it is doing is killing all the artists who aren't too skilled barely making it, high tier skilled artists see no difference. Unsure of the future when they start doing entire lets say anime scenes with dynamic poses and angles and creating true characters from scratch. So you still have room to create art as a talented artist and your own defining style.

I'd personally categorize this into concept art to assist already high skilled artists at forwarding better creations. 3D rigging has already removed the need to learn how to draw anatomy to an extent.

>TL;DR if you're highly skilled at art and can already make a solid income with it, it doesn't affect you at all, and probably won't in the near future either. I can still create styles, characters and settings current generation AI will never be able to as they work off set databases. It improves my work capacity.

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Lol learn to code, faggot

Royalty wont use AI to produce art

pfff, i dount it will replace smut artists, tranime and furshit fans will pay out the ass for commissions of their shit of choice but only if the artist is very, very very good: Show me a good render of misty getting fucked or 2 gay dragons fucking each other done by an AI, something that will peak the intrest of said degenerates and it will be all blurry and shitty.

AI is gay and will be rejected wholesale by humanity before 2030.

Absolutely. And writers, and programmers.

And CEOs and accountants. If your job revolves around excel you are fucked.

people thought the manual laborers would be the ones getting replaced with robots. Its going to be all the paper pushers becoming obsolete

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I’m an artist AND I helped develop stability. As a professional artist, who made +$300k last year, this tech is only helping me to be more productive than I ever imagined possible. The only “artists” who this will affect negatively are the furry artists who do $20 portraits. Pic unrelated.

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Janitor is a lot cheaper than secretary.

No, pretty much there will be management and unemployed. Mechanical turks are coming for the jobs. There will be none, so the time to design civilization to not need them anymore is now. Doctors, lawyers, security, customer service, equipment operator, machinist, detective, cop, soldier, whatever--all unemployably too stupid, too dishonest, too human. Obsolete like the horse carriage.

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bullshit. it won't kill artists as a whole but it will still hurt their field. sure furfag artists dying off will be good but AI spreading to other fields won't be so good. Any job that requires you to be in one place can be easily automated. doctors, lawyers, accountants, managers, truck drivers, writers. Only blue collar jobs and high level execs will be safe.

Nah, I can do 3x as much work now. This is like having an entire studio of artists under my control.

it still takes good artists to get decent, usable, artistic results out of these AIs, especially in the context of client work.

Nope. Humanity is very good at eliminating threats. Soon, more and more people will begin to wake up to the very real threat AI represents to humanity. I predict in the next 5 years the language will begin to shift and more and more people will correctly begin identify this tech as demonic. You'll hear it alot. Then comes the fun part. Destruction of all devices capable of AI, destructiion of AI research and the most funniest part of all... Genocide of all programmers and fags in love with tech. The future is human and there is glorious, and you fucking nerds will all hang for your transgressions.

> I can still create styles, characters and settings current generation AI will never be able to as they work off set databases.
They don’t though.
You can train AIs with new data and input images to alter the output. It can combine styles or subject matters as well.
What’s lacking is output quality and predictability. You can tell an AI what to draw, but have no idea how it will turn out, or how to modify small details while leaving everything else untouched.

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Case and point. It took seconds to create this variation.

Attached: 7B6A0399-2E33-456A-BF66-7C54BEB71582.png (512x512, 423.4K)

What are you using to make them?

Stable Diffusion. Basically the thing OP is talking about. Even without photoshop, you can do this on any PC with 8GB or more of video memory.

For years the view seemed to be that "computers" would never be able to do certain jobs equal to or greater than a person. The most recent art "AI" like Dalle 2 and many others have completely changed that perception. Absolutely a computer running one of these AI models can replace those who do low end creative task like graphics work for those who want content for a website. The GPT text models are clearly capable of doing most low end write task within limitations

No doubt this is just the beginning of what "AI" will be able to do at a human level or better. The days of saying a computer will not be able to do a task that is believed only humans can do are clearly over or at least nearl over assuming this kind of AI development continues

Interesting thanks

You can use the inpainting models to tweak specific areas, easy.

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This is just advertising for that ai site but I signed up anyway

With varying levels of quality, yes. But it depends on what needs to be changed or how. Hair color, for example. Maybe you can do it with photoshop, but then you’re not just using AI and proving that guy’s point.

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The AI is free. This is just a plug-in someone made.

I still had to sign up and request an invite